Q: How can I tell you if it it the DNS server or the program?
A: I cannot be certain if it is the program or the DNS server.
To determine if our program is the problem, I have replaced our
internal DNS querying component, which uses Winsock, with two
commerically available components for DNS (from Dart and /n software).
Both fail, not with the same error message, but with the same
This might lead one to believe that the problem with with the DNS
server; therefore, I tried 4 different DNS servers in different
locations and on different networks, all unrelated. Same problem.
Component server1 server2 server3 server4
Winsock failed failed failed failed
Dart PowerTCP failed failed failed failed
/n Software IP*Works failed failed failed failed
Q: Does the program append the DNS suffixes?
A: I'm sorry but I don't know what that means.
If the Windows DNS client queries DNS for non-fully qualified name ending in
a trailing dot, the DNS client service appends the name in the DNS Suffix
search list (See your ipconfig /all for your DNS suffix search list) Not all
applications use the DNS suffix search list, for example nslookup does, Dig
and Netdig do not.
If you want to see how this works use nslookup -d2 host
Nslookup will append "host" with the DNS suffixes in the DNS suffix search
list, e.g. if domain.com is in the DNS suffix search list nslookup will
query the default DNS server for host.domain.com.
If you use nslookup -d2 host. (Notice the trailing dot) you will get server
fail because it sends a name to DNS that DNS cannot recurse because there is
no authoritative DNS servers for the name(host).(unless you for the name
host and are using an alternate root servers such as the ORSC Root, host is
a valid TLD in the ORSC Root)
Q: It could be the server, but it could also be something else. Is
there any
reason for you to believe the DNS server is overloaded. Do you have
just one
DNS server?
A: No reason to believe that the server is overloaded. I have tried
my own DNS server and others with the same result. Tests have been
conducted around the clock and the problem occurs at various times of
the day with no correlation to server usage.
Q: Forwarders enabled?
A: Don't know. If forwarders are enabled, what would this tell me?
It would tell me if your DNS server will attempt to resolve
non-authoritative names itself, or send the query to a forwarder to be
Q: Is it the only one defined in TCP/IP properties.
A: I am explicitly querying a particular DNS server in each instance
My original question regarding, "Winsock Error: 11002, Detail: This is
usually a temporary error during hostname resolution and means that
the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative
server. "
Q: Is this normal? Or in other words, should I just learn to live
with this?
It would depend on the query and the application that you are using to do
the resolution. I'm afraid you haven't given us much to go on. Do you get
the same response using nslookup querying the same name?
Are you querying against an authoritative DNS for the host name?
Once again are you querying for a single-label host name or Fully qualified
What all this comes down to is, your application obviously returns the exact
error from DNS, and to tell you if it should be ignored depends on the
algorythym the application uses to query DNS. To say it is normal, without
knowing all the facts would be wrong for me. I don't even know what the name
is you are querying for, that could be a big factor.
If you were using nslookup, Dig or Netdig and I knew the exact name you were
querying for, I might be able give you an answer. Because I understand most
of what these applications return for a certain query.