OC an 8800 GT....

Dec 6, 2007
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Anyone got any idea how easy/hard to OC a nVidia GeForce 8800 GT? I'm just wondering if it is worth getting a standard and OC myself, or getting a pre-oc one at higher price...

I can get a standard + crysis for £193 or an OC'd 8800 GT for the same...
Very easy, the hardest bit is finding your maximum stable overclock. :)

Rivatuner is your friend. :thumb:

EDIT: you could go for the cheaper one if you like they are all mad in the same factory, just with different branding, warranty, bundled games etc.
Ok thanks for that...

Now to find one...

I think I'm gonna get the one with Crysis, because then one, I get crysis, and two, the company actually have some of those on the way, whereas the standards are long gone, and unknown when they get more.
I know they are in short supply.

Thats why i got my cousin to talk to his best friend. Who is ever-so-conveinently the manager at Novatech Portsmouth :)
heard that most people run into a 705mhz core clock maxmium