Obtaining data from another record



Hi all
My form has a job number which is unique, each job can have several child
jobs which is OK. The problem I have is when I open a new form with the job
number and a specifc child number I need to be able to change the child and
then get the date from that record as each child has its own date.
At the moment I open the form and the child number I open the form with is
fixed, so when I attempt to change to another child I still get the original
date record

Thanks for any Help

Michel Walsh


To get the data from another record of a recordset, use a CLONE on the
recordset already open, and then, use the FIND method on that clone. You can
also use an SQL statement with the appropriate WHERE clause, if you expect
that the record you look for is maybe not in the recordset, while being in
the table: if the recordset holds only items WHERE unitPrice <10.00, it may
happen you look for an item which has a unit price of 11.00$, as example,
so, in the table, but not in the recordset. If you look for just one value,
you can also use a DLookup.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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