i lost" 4 hours to this problem and found the answer elsewhere.
When you subscribed, you saw a page that displayed the product key, then
filled out a passport sign-up. I printed mine but recieved ureade garbage.
Search your Outlook for a message from "service @microsoft.com". The product
key is there at the bottom as Colin has been suggesting
Some people just don't have enough sense to take precautions in case
of such losses, apparently.
I printed out my notification from Microsoft, and put it in my files,
and purchased the DVD, so that I would be sure to have records of the
Key. I still have the original copies of Beta 2 and RC1 and RC2 of XP
on my shelves, as well as the Office XP Beta, and the Office 2003 beta
kit. In addition, I also saved a copy of the notification email and
put it in a folder in my Outlook PST (it's now several years old, I am
sure), which I back up regularly. I have so many records of product
keys from so many people most of them are not even usable anymore. But
for some reason, I won't go through them and weed out the unusable
ones. I have been called "anal retentive" by my therapist (and
others) on a number of occasions.
I'm sure many others still have original copies of MS DOS 1.0 hanging
around. (I'm not THAT anal retentive, however--they went the way of
all floppies I owned some time ago, which is to say, my OWN "Recycle
Bin" (the garbage can). They might be worth a little money, now, but
I kind of doubt it.
Donald L McDaniel
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