Frank DeLuccia
Hello All,
Hope eveyone is having a better morning than me today. Anyway, I know
the .NET framework has classes to obtain process ID's of processes running
in the task manager. My question is; Does .NET have anything in it's bag of
tricks to give me the process ID of an instance I create through code?
Dim objExcel as Excel.Application
objExcel = New Excel.Application <----- I want to know the process ID
right after I create this instance.
Is there anyway I can get that info? Any guidance would be greatly
Hope eveyone is having a better morning than me today. Anyway, I know
the .NET framework has classes to obtain process ID's of processes running
in the task manager. My question is; Does .NET have anything in it's bag of
tricks to give me the process ID of an instance I create through code?
Dim objExcel as Excel.Application
objExcel = New Excel.Application <----- I want to know the process ID
right after I create this instance.
Is there anyway I can get that info? Any guidance would be greatly