Hi N.I.C,
If the following solution doesn't work, please send a SecuROMT
analysis file to (e-mail address removed)
a.. If you are using a tool which offers the option to hide your virtual drives, please make sure that this feature is disabled so
that the default settings are restored. You might need to re-install such tools to get this problem fixed.
b.. If this does not work and you¿re working under WindowsT2000 or WindowsTXP, you might want to fix your tampered registry
entries. For other WindowsT versions please send a SecuROMT analysis file to support (see below), as the problem will be a different
one and can't be fixed this way. Please note that these tampered entries most probably have been caused by emulation tools, not by
SecuROMT! To fix this, please download and install a tool called 'SubInACL' under
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...56-D8FE-4A91-93CF-ED6985E3927B&displaylang=en. We recommend
installing this tool into your WindowsT installation path (e.g. C:\Windows\) to make the further steps easier for you.
c.. Next please download the following batch file fixreg.bat or - more convenient - this VB-Script fixreg.vbs from our web site.
d.. Under a user account with administrator rights double-click (start) the downloaded 'fixreg.vbs' or 'fixreg.bat'. Please note
that we are not liable for any problems caused by doing so.
Cheers, *Windows_XP_MVP_Shell/User*
Jimmy S.
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N.I.C Wrote:
| Hello guys, how are you?
| I need your help over here. I just bought the Oblivion GoTY but i can not
| install it. It gets me this message: A required security module can not be
| activated. This program can not be executed. (7000), and gives me this URL
http://www.securom.com/message.asp?m=module&c=7000&l=en for help. What can i
| do to install it? please help me. Thanks for all.