Obliterated Contacts



What happened?
I just installed Outlook 2007 and my Contacts Folder, which used to have
2761 Contacts, now has only 999!!!
And some of those that are missing are my best clients!
Where are they? They aren't in my Deleted Items Folder. Nor are the any
longer on my Palm Treo.
What the heck happened?
Outlook appears to have resurrected an old contact list of mine off of the
MSN site, and replaced my current, IMPORTANT Contacts with those I no longer
care a whit about.
Help, Please.

Brian Tillman

Edward said:
What happened?
I just installed Outlook 2007 and my Contacts Folder, which used to
have 2761 Contacts, now has only 999!!!

Tell us how you configured Outlook to use your old data file.


Believe me, Brian, it's not something that I highly recommend.
I instructed Outlook to use the contacts, calendar, et cetera, etc., that
were/are on my phone.

Brian Tillman

Edward said:
Is there some kind of Limit on how many Contacts I can keep is
Outlook 2007???

Prior to Outlook 2007, the limit was 64K contacts per contact folder. The
Outlook 2007 limit, if any, is undocumented.

Why not restore your contacts from the frequent backups you make?

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