I've been developing in .net for approx 6 months now and would like an
opinion on whether it is ok to use session to store objects?
I normally create a property such as below in code behind on every page
that will use the object.
Public Property Environment() As bsEnvironment
Return CType(Session("Environment"), bsEnvironment)
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As bsEnvironment)
Session("Environment") = Value
End Set
End Property
To populate properties I would use:
Dim environment As New bsEnvironment()
environment.Background = "White"
environment.Foreground = "Black"
Session("environment") = environment
On my other pages I would just access the object using
Environment.Background etc..
Is this the correct way to have objects available to many pages? Back
in the asp days I remember that using session to store objects was
advised against. Are things different now with .net?
Opinions valued.
opinion on whether it is ok to use session to store objects?
I normally create a property such as below in code behind on every page
that will use the object.
Public Property Environment() As bsEnvironment
Return CType(Session("Environment"), bsEnvironment)
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As bsEnvironment)
Session("Environment") = Value
End Set
End Property
To populate properties I would use:
Dim environment As New bsEnvironment()
environment.Background = "White"
environment.Foreground = "Black"
Session("environment") = environment
On my other pages I would just access the object using
Environment.Background etc..
Is this the correct way to have objects available to many pages? Back
in the asp days I remember that using session to store objects was
advised against. Are things different now with .net?
Opinions valued.