Consider the sample .NET 2003 Windows Form application
In winmain we got
Application::Run(new Form1()) instruction which creates the instance (object) of Form1 class.
But how can I use the methods of this object by its name
If I want to use these methods in Form1 class I use "this->" oprerator but what if want to run
them from another class (assuming they are public)?. How can I reference them? By which name
Consider the sample .NET 2003 Windows Form application
In winmain we got
Application::Run(new Form1()) instruction which creates the instance (object) of Form1 class.
But how can I use the methods of this object by its name
If I want to use these methods in Form1 class I use "this->" oprerator but what if want to run
them from another class (assuming they are public)?. How can I reference them? By which name