Object-relational mapping

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brian
  • Start date Start date



I might be posting this in the wrong section, but I really
need help with this, so if this is the wrong section,
please direct me to the right one.

I am looking for a product/API/anything that shows me
relationships between sub-objects. To illustrate, say we
have Entity A, which has 20 sub-objects related to it.
Let's say Bill Gates is Entity A and the 20 sub-objects
are contacts of his. I would like to be able to see not
only his contacts but to view whether or not those
contacts have any relationship with one another. We use a
SQL server with the .NET framework.

Thanks for your time.
Depending on your budget, one of the industry-standard tools is Rational
XDE. XDE is a UML modeling tool that integrates with the IDE. They just
released a new version that supports VS.Net 2003, and it works quite well.

With it, you can both forward and reverse engineer code to and from UML.
Once in UML form, you can easily see the various types of associations
between the classes. XDE does much more too, but you can get that info from
