object persistence frameworks

  • Thread starter Thread starter Michel Broggi
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Michel Broggi

There are several object persistence frameworks out there
(DataObjects.NET, OPF.Net, Mere Mortals Framework, Gentle.Net, etc.)
and I would have liked to hear from anyone who has used such a
framework: advantages, drawbacks, recommendations etc.

I've uses Bamboo Prevalence. The thing is, you can easily use them in the
wrong way and for the wrong reasons, so advantages and drawbacks depend on
what exactly it is you're doing with them =)
Well, I have been involved in some Object Persistant Frameworks like IAP.NET (Integrated Architecture Platform)
I have see lot of advantages and disadvantages too

The advantages i found are basically the ease of use, and high abstraction of data logic and working with multiple databases with common interface

the disadvantages are not too bad, you will get slight performance hit while working with complex relational objects and deep copying. Most of the disadvantages are depends on the architecture of the framework also. And if you have lot of business rules attached to one data object, it gives you a major hit in performance

Sudhakar Sadasivun
Microsoft .NET MVP, MCSD.ne

----- Michel Broggi wrote: ----

There are several object persistence frameworks out ther
(DataObjects.NET, OPF.Net, Mere Mortals Framework, Gentle.Net, etc.
and I would have liked to hear from anyone who has used such
framework: advantages, drawbacks, recommendations etc

Michel said:
There are several object persistence frameworks out there
(DataObjects.NET, OPF.Net, Mere Mortals Framework, Gentle.Net, etc.)
and I would have liked to hear from anyone who has used such a
framework: advantages, drawbacks, recommendations etc.

I have implemented a framework in VB6 that implements full object to
relation mapping. Objects can contain sub-objects and collections of
objects with sub-collections to any depth. It has been very good for reuse
and multiple developer use and for system architectural issue. . Classes
implement full inheritance (via a clever use of the Implements). Drawbacks
is that of a higher learning curve in using curve in using Inheritance.
We are now implementing this in .net.