I am finding difficult to view the message in view pane, particulary the
threads and sub-threads.
Any help?
threads and sub-threads.
Any help?
AAH said:I am finding difficult to view the message in view pane, particulary
the threads and sub-threads.
Any help?
I am finding difficult to view the message in view pane, particulary the
threads and sub-threads.
Any help?
AAH said:I am finding difficult to view the message in view pane, particulary
the threads and sub-threads.
Any help?
badgolferman said:I am not sure what you are talking about, but I'll take a stab. If you
cannot see tree views check View>Current View>Group Messages by
Conversation. Also View>Current View>Show All Messages.
You may find more answers to OE questions in the
microsoft.public.inetxplorer.ie6.outlookexpress newsgroup.
AAH said:badgolferman
Messages Header top half O E ok
The Lower pane the view pane which
contains the contents are not vivible.
Thanks for your tip.
I am finding difficult to view the message in view pane, particulary the
threads and sub-threads.
Any help?