OEM versions of Windows Vista:
-- cannot upgrade over an existing Windows installation.
-- must be installed "clean" on a freshly reformatted drive or partition.
-- cannot be transferred to a different computer in the future.
-- the license cannot be sold or transferred to another user.
-- are not eligible -for free Microsoft technical support.
-- any problems whatsoever with the installation CD or Product Key.
is not eligible for Microsoft support....you have to deal with the "seller".
-- cost less than "retail versions" due to the above limitations/risks.
The bottom line is support.
I've been using OEM versions of Windows since Windows95 and have never
had any problems when upgrading my machine.
I know Microsoft gathers hardware data from your system when you
activate the product and if there are too many changes to your
hardware when and if you reinstall, you will be required to make the
India call. All they really want to know is if you are using the
product on more than one machine. THAT'S ALL. You can tell them you
upgraded your machine and it's acceptable.
Your statement above stipulates that a user that has an OEM copy
installed cannot upgrade their machine at all and that they cannot
uninstall or reinstall the product. Not so. I speak from experience.
Support is the ONLY issue, and since Microsoft charges for support
after so many calls, an investment in a good Vista book would be a lot
Installing on a clean machine (no upgrades) is a GOOD thing and the
best way to install any version of Windows. It takes me a good day to
backup my machine if I was going to do an upgrade. And when I want to
do a restore, Windows just pukes and trashes my restore since I'm also
restoring my old settings and paths.
Therefore, OEM is good and cheap. ONLY difference is lack of
unnecessary packaging and support from Microsoft.
I don't understand now why they went to those damn large plastic
containers now. I just throw them out and use regular CD jewel cases
and make my own labels.
So, anyone wanting to buy the OEM over retail are safe to do so and
they can take what they saved and buy a good Vista book at Borders.