NVIDIA TNT drivers won't stick!



I have an NVIDIA TNT2 64 card. The problem I have is that it
sometimes doesn't load properly and then I have the following
1. The icon in the device manager is turning yellow.
2. The display driver which is displayed in the setting tab in the
display properties dialog is VGASave.

More info:
1. I manage to return the driver properly via Windows safe mode but it
still doesn't stay for long.
2. I uninstall the old driver before installing again.
3. I used the last v61 driver fronm NVIDIA.
4. I have WinXP SP1

Thanks a lot!


TNT cards are infamous for their instability, the best
thing I can think of is to run a program to remove all
NVidia drivers (usually supplied with the drivers) and
then re-install your original drivers that came with the


-----Original Message-----
TNT cards are infamous for their instability, the best
thing I can think of is to run a program to remove all
NVidia drivers (usually supplied with the drivers) and
then re-install your original drivers that came with the

I had the same problem with my mto computer from
ComUSA. Fortunately it was under warrantee and a new
mother board solved the problem. Good Luck.

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