NVIDIA launches RTX 3070, 3080 and 3090 for £469, £649, £1399

News NVIDIA launches RTX 3070, 3080 and 3090 for £469, £649, £1399


Feb 23, 2002
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Ian submitted a new resource:

NVIDIA launches RTX 3070, 3080 and 3090 for £469, £649, £1399 - New generation of graphics cards launch, with huge leap in performance.

NVIDIA unveiled the new line of 3000 series RTX graphics cards yesterday, but the biggest surprise was the huge leap in performance and a reduction in price. The RTX 3070 costs £479, but claims to match the hugely expensive 2080 RTX in performance. The pressure from AMD and the next generation of consoles has put considerable pressure on NVIDIA, so the pricing on the RTX 3070 is likely to tempt many high end gamers to make the switch.

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If I were still gaming I'd be swapping out the old 1070 for a 3070.
My mate is likely buying a 3080, so he said he might be selling his 2080 Ti for £350 - very tempted to do that. Might go for a 3070 myself if not. It's been years and years since I've had a high end graphics card, so tempted to treat myself so I can do some high end gaming again.

The 3070 looks like the sweet spot for pricing/performance, although I'm interested to see how they price the 3060.
Do you think the 3070 is better value than a 2nd hand 2080 Ti for £350? Seemed like a pretty good deal to me, so was very tempted :thumb:.

Better technology for sure. There are too many out there who are dying to sell 2080 Ti. I would invest in newer technology
I'm still using my 6Gb GTX1060 and the most graphic intensive games I'm playing are Doom Eternal; Outer Worlds and Borderlands 3, all of which the 1060 copes with.

I'd love to buy an RTX3070 but that pesky virus has meant I've had very little work the past six months which means I'm dependant on my pensions only. Which means subsistence level and no disposable income :(
I'm still using my 6Gb GTX1060 and the most graphic intensive games I'm playing are Doom Eternal; Outer Worlds and Borderlands 3, all of which the 1060 copes with.

My 960 has only just recently started to struggle, so you may be ok for another year or two. Borderlands 3 I have to run at a reduced resolution, because I'm running on an ultrawide monitor, but before that I could run it on decent settings and it flew :D.

I'd love to buy an RTX3070 but that pesky virus has meant I've had very little work the past six months which means I'm dependant on my pensions only. Which means subsistence level and no disposable income :(

Hopefully now that schools are back in, work will pick up again. Guess they've only been back a week now, so things should start coming in soon :cheers:.