x-no-archive: yes
Jeff Hansman said:
Yeah, I'm shopping too. What'ja settle on?
OK OK! I wasn't really going to say because I didn't want to hurt feelings
because I got allot of help from everyone. Most retail stores have pretty
high prices and returns policies sometimes aren't so great. Mail order
houses are even worse, but then I guess that's how your getting the lower
price. You don't get a long time to test run the product which makes the
decision ever more trying. PCClub has burned me badly in this area in the
past, twice.
I decided to run with the Radeon Sapphire 9800 Pro. There wasn't a bunch of
bs advertising with oodles of numberings to confuse me. The Pro model has
good Open GL and DX performance. It's looks like there are some driver
issues but it looks like the ATI newsgroup is pretty helpful. From what I
could gather, allot of the problems were from poor board manufactures,
people overclocking, plugging into a crappy mainboard or doing something
else funky. Right now I am running Abit so hopfully there isn't any problems
there. If so I have an Asus as a backup.
Framerate with it I suspect is overrated but I think it will provide enough
to get the job done. I can't ever seem to get what the hardware sites get.
I look forward to finally using FSAA and the Antiseptic filter or whatever
its called. It also is nice to know the 64 bit processors will put new life
in the card.
I'm going to order from Newegg in about an hour and slap it on the ol charge
card and should have it by next week.
This will be my last cross post between both newsgroups and appreciate
people bearing with me, but I needed info!
Time to retire the G4 4200 *sniff*