Nvidia 6800GTOC (256MB) ATI Raedon X1300 (256MB) - Poor performanc

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I upgraded to Vista last week and the performance of my Nvidia 6800GTOC is
horrific. No matter how I adjust the settings, no 3-D applications are
useable, i.e., the frames per second rate (fps) has gone from 40-60 fps (XP,
SP2) to .5 - 14 fps.

Having researched the issue, I believed it was related to the Nvidia not
having a worthy candidate as their driver. Yesterday, I purchased an ATI
Raedon X1300 (256MB), installed the drivers, and updated the drivers through
ATI's home page. I am having the exact same problem.

Conclusion: Perhaps it is not the card, but my setup/ Vista.

Today, I bought a new hard drive and plan on doing a clean install of XP,
SP2 on a separate drive and using that until Vista SP1 is released. In the
interim, I would appreciate your input on this issue.

FYI: AMD Athlon 64 (3500); 3 GB RAM

I am very frustrated. I've never had a problem like this in the past. I
have now spent close to $1,000.00 trying to upgrade Vista.
recently i have installes vista business 32bit edition in my compaq presari
notebook.its not cabaple with vista.i wanna upgrade display drivers to vista
compatible to download freely.i can use ur url link.its downloated.but i can
run setup,its shows some error msg.
where can i find vista compatible display drivers to download(nividea

Thank you for your interest. The solution sounded so simple it just might
work. I ran the install disc and realized when it indicated all was
installed that I upgraded from XP MCE, SP2 to Vista Ultimate- ergo, all the
drivers were intact. :o(

Any other ideas?
You might check on the website of the motherboard to see if there are any
updated drivers for the utilities... just in case.

Was there any change when you did a clean install?

You won't believe this. PROBLEM MYSTERIOUSLY SOLVED.

First to answer your question, there did not appear to be any updates for my
Gigabyte motherboard. I purchased it after the date of the most recent

Frustrated with the experience, I went ahead and decided to set up the media
center functionality of Vista to distract me. I have a Hauppauge (sp?)
TV-DVR card and went through the site, grabbed the Vista drivers and
installed. After a little bit of trouble and a couple of reboots, Media
Center was working flawlessly. In fact, it was working too well - I noticed
that the herky-jerky motion I was having with all video playback on my Vista
machine was now gone. I also noticed that the CPU usage widget was jammed at
100% and was actually fluctuating properly depending on what I was using.

Armed with confidence, I went ahead and launched World of Warcraft to see if
there was any improvement. My goodness - there was. At max resolution, with
a lot of the extras dumb down, I was getting 50-60 fps! I cranked up the
extras (detail, etc.) and though it dropped, it is at a manageable 30 fps.

I would love your thoughts on what you think made the difference. The only
dumb guess I can come up with is that the lack of drivers on the DVR card was
causing it to hog some some/all of Vista's resources.
You shoud never assume that the BIOS of a MOBO is up to date when you
purchase the MOBO since the card could have been shipped from the
manufacturer many months before you purchased it.