NVidia 6800 ultra video card

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first time user here!
the following is a copy/paste of an email I'm sending around to find some
help with what may be a compatability problem.

thanks in advance for anyone who cares to answer

My primary use of this product (ASUS V9999 Ultra graphics card / NVidia
6800 Ultra chip set) is for the rendering of 3D models (with OpenGL) of homes
drawn with the CAD program, Chief Architect. I'm currently running this
program on several different computers all of which are using NVidia graphics
cards. They range from a Geforce TI4600 to the newer 5950. None of these
other machine are or have ever experienced the problems I'm having with this
ASUS V9999Ultra. I have also placed this card in all the other machines
accompanied with the driver supplied with the card and also tried ASUS's
latest and NVidia's latest drivers with the same results,,,,, the %$^$ card
will not perform.

When I hit the render button in my Cad program the render process
begins, it seems to make it through the shadowing phase all right but when it
hits the smoothing phase, the machines locks up. On a few occasions (while
tapping the escape key) the process stops and I regain control of the system.
More often than not, I get a total blue screen with a message telling me,,,,
The computer is being shut down to protect it.

Then after she restarts, windows error reporting system sometimes send
me to a Microsoft web page telling me the card or driver is screwed up and
has sent itself into a,,, indefinite loop? Goes on to say update driver or
contact board manufacture, you folks, or NVidia for assistance. I have tried
every driver available without any luck. My guess is this card is no good. It
will not work in 4 computers that I own and operate.

This is supposed to be one of the "highest end" cards for mainstream use,,
it should be,,,$500.00 (+-)

Sorry to be so long winded here,

I also need to know how to view your reply, this is not the first time
I've tried to get help from you folks to no avail. All I ever seem to get
from the ASUS support web area is "server busy, try later" and trying to
register as a member for support is totally useless. I've registered 5 times
and have never been recognized upon returning to the support area (that's if
the server wasn't busy after entering all the info to begin with).

Also, is there any way I can get ASUS to take this card back! I've lost
three times the cost of that card in lost wage's trying to get the *&(^#
thing to work.

Phew,,, I feel better now,,, I sure would appreciate some help with this.
there might be a zillion ways why the card does not work properly.

To make sure the video card is OK: a clan install of XP w/ Intel chipset
drivers followed by the Asus graphic drivers - including the pathetic Asus
video enhanced (should install w/ Asus Video Drivers)driver and Smart
W/o installing anything else, test the card using NVidia demos for the 6800
chip (Nalu, Timbury, Clear Sailing Demos downloadable at:
http://www.nzone.com/object/nzone_downloads_nvidia.html )
At this stage, you also want to check BIOS video settings, XP page file
size (some gamers recommend 3x the size of RAM!), AGP or PCExpress settings,
other hardware conflicts - monitor drivers, capabilities, for ex.
If the card does not work, just RMA it to the vendor or stop payment if you
bought it from Asus using a credit card till Asus answers.
If it works, you might want to check for some other software/hardware
conflicts - mainly cleaning older NVidia driver files and settings. Check
also the NVidia settings.
The BSOD is probably related to a real or unreal NVidia chip overheat issue.

the "pathetic" Asus enhanced driver is not for use with the 6800 ultra
according to ASUS. Go figure! No enhance drv. not Smart Doc. Go figure again.
Like I said in my original post, ASUS sucks.

I give the demos a try, I've never run any games on that machine,, it's
specific to work. $$

Thanks for the reply, Ray
I have an AsusV9570 that works (sort of) w/ the Asus so called
"enhancements." Actually, I am using plain NVidia drivers.
The demos are rather for testing/showing the 9800 chip capabilities; they
have some settings suggestions (antialiasing on etc) in the help files.