Nvidia 6600GT or 6800XT

Feb 15, 2006
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I'm just in the process of upgrading my graphics card, there are two Nvidia cards that looks pretty good for the money, Xfx Nvidia 6600GT, and XFX 6800XT, both in 256MB size. The 6800XT seems pretty new, which ones going to give me better performance in games anyone tried one ? Ive got a cheapo Asrock 939 Dual sata motherboard and just want the best performance i can get without going daft on the price, Theyve got both cards in stock at the shop round the corner from me www.ctidirect.co.uk

Any ideas on the best one


The 6600GT


Core: 350Mhz
Memory: 300 Mhz
Pipelines: 8


Core 500Mhz
Memory: 500Mhz
Pipelines: 8

I'm assuming you mean the pci-e version of the 6600GT.

The 6800XT does processes faster though, but overall I'd say the 6600GT is best bet.
I think the 6800xt was just a cheap way of manufacturing the equivolent of a 6600 via reducing the pipelines of a proper 6800, and keeping it on the same factory line. Whereas the 6600 and 6800LE are both official products of nVidia, the '6800xt' can quite easily go unoticed. I certainly don't see it as an authentic model... I mean, I'm sure it does the trick - but it's more like 3rd party hybrid than anything.

If you had a gig of fast RAM and a decent processor, you might do better with a 6800le 128mb and a 256mb AGP aperture. Still... I'd save for a 6800gs if I were you - it'll be worth it, and you might not even think THAT is enough by the end of the year.

EDIT: Overclockers weekly usually has some really good week-long deals. Check this out:
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