NVidia 5700VE Display Problems

Mar 21, 2005
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I recently purchased an NVidia 5700VE graphics card and since have had a few problems with it. While running games such as Microsoft Flight Simulator, numerous times the computer has automatically restarted or just froze up all together. I sent the error report to Microsoft when prompted and was told there was a hardware error.....so I assumed they were referring to the graphics card since I only had problems running high graphics games.

Was hoping someone can help me on this or at least point me in the right direction.

My system is running with:
2.08 GHZ processor
250W Power Supply
Windows XP
Direct-X 9
9 times out of 10 it's the 'drivers' … but I'm sceptical about your 250 PSU being capable of maintaining the 'juice' needed to run your card.

MSFS is a very demanding game.

Your CPU's OK, consider upgrading the PSU to at least 350/400W (as Mucks said) and adding another 512Mb RAM.

And as others have pointed out, update your drivers, either the Omega drivers Chris has linked to or the latest from the Nvidia home page.
The graphics card manual says that a 250 W power supply should be fine. My brother is running the same card on his computer with a 250 W power supply also and it's fine.
DmnAdam14113 said:
The graphics card manual says that a 250 W power supply should be fine. My brother is running the same card on his computer with a 250 W power supply also and it's fine.

It's possible, yes, depends on the quality of the PSU, really, do you know what make it is?

Did you update your drivers?

It is possible that an FX5700 might have problems running MSFS, as I mentioned earlier, as I understand it, it's a very demanding game.

Are you running any other games without problems? And if so - which ones?

I have an FX5700LE and whilst I think it is a fairly good card, it won't run the latest games at an acceptable level. In fact, I only use it for old games that will only run in Win 98.

But - first things first - did you update your video drivers?
Is the video card the only thing you've recently upgraded, and did you have any similar issues prior to the upgrade?

Other than that I agree totally with everyone else:
Ensure you have the latest upgrades.
Consider a more powerfull PSU.
You could also check for Windows updates, and also bios updates.
If these don't solve the issue in question, they should improve general system performance anyway.
I just upgraded to the latest NVidia driver 71.84. So far I haven't had any problems yet so maybe that fixed the issue. Thanks to all for the suggestions.
If you ever have any problems with a video card updating your driver will normally fix it. anything else we can help you;)