Nvidia 275 shopping.


Yank Upstart
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
Window shopping the Nvidia 275 series card to replace my 8800GT (sold one to a friend) heres where im looking.


First of all, I've had good experience with EVGA - so i prefer them for the most part, which is why ive chosen 4 card to compare. 2 of which go for about $229 after rebates, the other two are 'faster' cards and as such come with higher price tags (259 - 297)

The $300 card has 1792mb of RAM whereas the other 3 have 'just' 896, should this be a deciding factor?

Out of them - im leaning toward the FTW Edition as it has faster clock and memory speeds.

Gimme your thoughts please, Have at it!
I suppose I'm by myself on this matter.... -____-
I don't really know enough about the latest range to comment I'm afraid.

But I can say EVGA are my current favourite manufacturer (close match with BFG) and when it comes to graphics cards if I had the money I'd always go for the best specced card I can afford. But I don't always have the money.

I usually always buy, from a scaled range of ten graphics cards, the one in about the number three position, if that makes sense.

And 1K8 of video memory may seem like a lot now but so did 128Mb of video RAM at one time.
Decided to read up about it, seems that the 1k memory has no advantage over the other cards, even with newer games and high resolution. Soo, its kinda pointless to spend money on it - when i can opt for the faster one. :)
Looks like ima gonna get the EVGA FTW edition after all, most reviews indicate a 2-2.5x increase in performance. Maybe they're right, looks like someones going to have to make sure their right. :)