Nutch - web search engine

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark Carter
  • Start date Start date
Mark said:
Whilst skimming through my web host logs,

Following on from that, it occurs to me that readers on this group would
be interested in the relative usage of web browsers. Here's what I
pulled from my web stats page:

The top 3 user agents for Dec 2004 were:
# Hits User Agent
1 4076 (36.52%) MSIE 6
2 2356 (21.11%) MSIE 5
3 2117 (18.97%) Mozilla/5

The top 3 user agents for Nov 2004 were:
# Hits User Agent
1 8277 (46.33%) MSIE 6
2 3876 (21.69%) Mozilla/5
3 1264 (7.07%) MSIE 5

The top 3 user agents for Oct 2004 were:
1 8826 (45.46%) MSIE 6
2 3896 (20.07%) Mozilla/5
3 2144 (11.04%) MSIE 5

There is a significant trail-off after the top 3 positions, indicating
that MSIE and Mozilla are the dominant browsers. I get the occasional
hits using Konqueror, Opera (very unpopular!), and Mozilla/4.

The statistics may be skewed in favour of MS because some browsers might
fake their identity as being IE. OTOH, the use of Mozilla might be
overstated compared to the population. My wiki is quite popular, and so
is my computing section. So I probably attract more than my fair share
of alternative browswers.

So there we have it. Interesting, n'est pas?
There is a significant trail-off after the top 3 positions, indicating
that MSIE and Mozilla are the dominant browsers. I get the occasional
hits using Konqueror, Opera (very unpopular!), and Mozilla/4.

The statistics may be skewed in favour of MS because some browsers might
fake their identity as being IE.

Opera - very unpopular!
could be because most users do fake their identity
rich said:
Rich_on 19-Dec-2004, Mark Carter <[email protected]> wrote:
Opera - very unpopular!
could be because most users do fake their identity

I'm getting something along the lines of 1.68% for Konqueror/3, and
0.28% for Opera/7.

Personally, I don't really like Opera. When I tried it last (1-2 years
ago) I thought the icons were too big, and the ads took up too much
space. Didn't like Netscape, either; I thought it tried to shovel too
much crap (AOL messenger, and who know what else) onto the user. Now
that Firefox exists, I wouldn't touch either of them with a barge pole.
I see from their website that Opera won PC World's "Best Browser of
2004". Oh really? So, not Firefox, then? Do I detect a hint of
commercial interest here.

An interesting browser I tried not so long ago was Dillo. It doesn't
render stuff perfectly, but makes an interesting choice on a low-specced
Linux system.

Just my personal opinion you inderstand.