Numbers followed by space



I have a spreadsheet with about 2500 rows / 7 columns of numbers. The info
was pulled from another program and every one of the numbers has a space at
the end so the formula isn't working. Is there anything I can do other than
go cell by cell and delete the space?

Bernard Liengme

This is worth a try
Copy a blank cell
Select all the cells with the problem
Use Edit | Paste Special with Add specified
best wishes

JR Hester

Your issue may be a bit larger than just that trailing space. Your data may
have been imported as text-- that is one reason for the training space.

test a several of your cells with =isnumber(A2). If false you may be able to
convert using a formula such as =value(A2) to convert the text in those 2500
rows of 7 columns. Be sure to replace teh A@ with an appropriate cell from
your spreadsheet.


Dave Peterson

Select the range to fix
what: (space character)
with: (leave blank)
replace all

Hardeep Kanwar

Select the range to fix
what: ALT+0160
with: (leave blank)
replace all

Note: While Enter 0160 in find what Hold the ALT KEY

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