Numbers converted to percentage automatically

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When I open a spreadsheet and attempt to change the entries in cells that are
formatted as "Number", Excel treats the entry as a percentage no matter what
I do.

For example. A cell has the number 46 displayed correctly. I change the
number to 49, making no other formatting changes. Excel puts 0.49 in the
formula bar and 0 in the cell (depending on the number of decimal points).
If I enter 89, it will display .89 in the formula bar and 1 in the cell.

This does not happen when I open the file on a different computer. I am
working on a relatively new computer, but the problem did not start right
when I got it.

Is there a hidden setting somewhere?
Hi Maggie29,
For example. A cell has the number 46 displayed correctly. I change the
number to 49, making no other formatting changes. Excel puts 0.49 in the
formula bar and 0 in the cell (depending on the number of decimal points).
If I enter 89, it will display .89 in the formula bar and 1 in the cell.

Tools, options, Edit tab, remove check in box that says "Fixed decimal places".


Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel MVP
Member of:
Professional Office Developer Association