Is there something in windows that will take a given set of numbers and
re-write them as words - such as for a check?
A friend wrote this macro for Excel and I didn't know if this was
something that could be written in VB.NET without excel.
Declare Sub Recibo Lib "dlltcast.dll" (cifra As Long, ByVal _
texto As String)
Function letras(minumero)
Dim texto As String * 255
Dim cifra As Long
texto = String(255, 0)
cifra = CLng(minumero)
Call Recibo(cifra, texto)
letras = texto
End Function
re-write them as words - such as for a check?
A friend wrote this macro for Excel and I didn't know if this was
something that could be written in VB.NET without excel.
Declare Sub Recibo Lib "dlltcast.dll" (cifra As Long, ByVal _
texto As String)
Function letras(minumero)
Dim texto As String * 255
Dim cifra As Long
texto = String(255, 0)
cifra = CLng(minumero)
Call Recibo(cifra, texto)
letras = texto
End Function