Mr. X
Hello! May I ask for some assistance?
I find presentations boring and mine, the most boring of all.
But I have to do them.
One thing I wish others would do, and wish I hope to do myself
is the following...
Say, I have 30 PPT slides.
I would like to number each one as follows:
1/30, 2/30, 3/30, 4/30
So that my audience knows that the horror is coming to an
How can I number the slides and ALSO insert a / followed
by how many slides all together?
(this way, they know when to wake up, and stop the silly
bug eyes they get when they try not to sleep)
I find presentations boring and mine, the most boring of all.
But I have to do them.
One thing I wish others would do, and wish I hope to do myself
is the following...
Say, I have 30 PPT slides.
I would like to number each one as follows:
1/30, 2/30, 3/30, 4/30
So that my audience knows that the horror is coming to an
How can I number the slides and ALSO insert a / followed
by how many slides all together?
(this way, they know when to wake up, and stop the silly
bug eyes they get when they try not to sleep)