Numbering rows 1-60, how do I do it automatically?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kaynell
  • Start date Start date


I thought if I typed the first few numbers I could click and drag and it
would fill in the other cells with the following numbers.
Enter 1 in a cell and then a 2 in the cell below. Select both cells,
and drag "fill handle" down as far as you want to go. The fill handle
is the little black box in the lower-right corner of the selection
boundary box. You must drag the fill handle itself, not just the
selection border.

Chip Pearson
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional
Excel Product Group, 1998 - 2009
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
(email on web site)
after you drag, release the mouse button and wait near the last cell, you
should get an "Auto Fill Option" at bottom right corner of the cell, and if
you drop down that option you get 4 options to choose, you can choose "Fill
would this help?

Type the number 1 into a cell. Then, position mouse over bottom right corner
until you see a + symbol. Right-click and drag down. Release button, choose
"fill series".
Or, just type 1 in the first cell. While holding the CTRL key down, click
and drag the "fill handle" in the lower right corner of the cell. Excel will
increment the numbers as you drag.

