Numbered list with automatic sub list when using tab



two questions:

1. I make a list that starts with "1." by typing "1. xxx". When I select
"Enter", it is still showing as "Normal", and doesn't make a list, like "2.
xxx". How do I get it to make an automatic list?

2. I make an automatic list after I make the changes from question #1
above. Then, how can I make a list that, when I go to "2. xxx", and select
"tab", tabs over and starts with the next level, such as "a. xxx"? Hope
this makes sense. Even the "" document won't do this.


Since you didn't bother to mention which version of Word you're using I'm
going to guess that it isn't Word 2007. If I'm right, go to Tools>
AutoCorrect Options> AutoFormat As You Type, tehn put checks in teh boxes

Automatic Bulleted Lists, and/or
Automatic Numbered Lists, and
Set left- and first-indent with tabs & Backspaces.

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