I have a spreadsheet to produce labels. I need to be able to number each label 1 of 500, 2 of 500 etc and then print of the required number of labels. I am completely stumped.
You don't say anything about the layout of your labels. Do you have just
one label on the sheet and it has the numbering you describe, and you want
the number changed every time you print a label? Or do you have 500 labels
on the sheet and you want to insert the numbers before you print the whole
sheet? HTH Otto
dave said:
I have a spreadsheet to produce labels. I need to be able to number each
I have one label on the shhet. You enter the number of products per box, the number of boxes per pallet and it works out how many boxes and pallets there are. I need to print off a label for each box. 1 of 500, 2 of 500 etc
----- Otto Moehrbach wrote: ----
You don't say anything about the layout of your labels. Do you have jus
one label on the sheet and it has the numbering you describe, and you wan
the number changed every time you print a label? Or do you have 500 label
on the sheet and you want to insert the numbers before you print the whol
sheet? HTH Ott
dave said:
I have a spreadsheet to produce labels. I need to be able to number eac