Thanks now I'm thinking about wine

I'm also thinking I didn't phrase my question well (could be the wine
Let me try again.
With regular bullets my tab stops for the first level outline items (not
counting the title)
are at zero and word wrap at 3/8"
The next indent is at 1/2" and the word wrap indent is at 5/8"
For example:
Title of slide
o Text that wraps (tab at zero)
to here (indent tab at 3/8")
o text wraps to (tab at 1/2"
here (indent tab at 5/8")
Now select the Text placeholder and click on the button that changes to
numbered bullets and all the tab stops change
The new configuration
1. some text (tab at zero)
wraps to here (indent tab at 5/8" !!!)
1. Indented (Tab at 1/2")
wraps to here (tab at 1 1/8" !!!)
The question - is there something "wrong" with my slide master? or Why does
the tabbing change when switching from bullets to numbers? Is there a
different master? Is there some setting somewhere that I can tweak so that
tab stops don't change?
Mark Durrenberger, PMP
Principal, Oak Associates, Inc,
"Advancing the Theory and Practice of Project Management"
The nicest thing about NOT planning is that failure
comes as a complete surprise and is not preceded by
a period of worry and depression.
- Sir John Harvey-Jones