Numbered bullets vs regular bullets slide template

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark Durrenberger
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Mark Durrenberger

I am baffled when using numbered bullets on a slide (PP2000)
When I change from regular bullets to numbered bullets the indenting (tab
stops) changes and naturally I don't like the changes.

How do I adjust the slide template when numbered bullets are used?

First go to View/Rulers to turn on the ruler

Next, drag the right-most caret thingy. That controls where the indent/hanging indent lands. If you hold down the CTRL button on your keyboard while you drag the carat thingy, you'll have more control over its placement.

Note that carat thingy is a technical term. (Makes me crazy that I cannot for the life of me remember what the *real* name of those things is!)

First Line Indent marker, at the top left,
Left Indent Marker, at the bottom left,
The Little "L" is a "Customized Tab Stop", and you can also see very faint
markers below the ruler which are "Default Tab Stops", or at least according
to help.

Trouble is that those names don't give you any idea which is which ;-)



Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP
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Echo S said:
First go to View/Rulers to turn on the ruler

Next, drag the right-most caret thingy. That controls where the
indent/hanging indent lands. If you hold down the CTRL button on your
keyboard while you drag the carat thingy, you'll have more control over its
Note that carat thingy is a technical term. (Makes me crazy that I cannot
for the life of me remember what the *real* name of those things is!)
presenter, PPT Live '04
Oct 10-13, San Diego

Mark Durrenberger said:
I am baffled when using numbered bullets on a slide (PP2000)
When I change from regular bullets to numbered bullets the indenting (tab
stops) changes and naturally I don't like the changes.

How do I adjust the slide template when numbered bullets are used?

Okay, okay, I shoulda looked in Help. :-)

I think there really is a word for those Indent Markers, though. Other than
Indent Markers, I mean.


Yeah. I was thinking caret...claret...chardonnay...



Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP
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Thanks now I'm thinking about wine :-) but,
I'm also thinking I didn't phrase my question well (could be the wine :-)

Let me try again.

With regular bullets my tab stops for the first level outline items (not
counting the title)
are at zero and word wrap at 3/8"
The next indent is at 1/2" and the word wrap indent is at 5/8"

For example:

Title of slide
o Text that wraps (tab at zero)
to here (indent tab at 3/8")
o text wraps to (tab at 1/2"
here (indent tab at 5/8")

Now select the Text placeholder and click on the button that changes to
numbered bullets and all the tab stops change
The new configuration
1. some text (tab at zero)
wraps to here (indent tab at 5/8" !!!)
1. Indented (Tab at 1/2")
wraps to here (tab at 1 1/8" !!!)

The question - is there something "wrong" with my slide master? or Why does
the tabbing change when switching from bullets to numbers? Is there a
different master? Is there some setting somewhere that I can tweak so that
tab stops don't change?


Mark Durrenberger, PMP
Principal, Oak Associates, Inc,
"Advancing the Theory and Practice of Project Management"

The nicest thing about NOT planning is that failure
comes as a complete surprise and is not preceded by
a period of worry and depression.

- Sir John Harvey-Jones
Thanks for the clarification, Mark. (Or should I say claret-ification? <g>)

There's nothing wrong with your slide master, as what you see there is also what happens here (just double-checked to make sure). My guess is it's just the way PPT works -- it's making room for both the number and the period following it, and that's wider than the regular bullet, so the indent settings get changed automatically. Unfortunately, turning off the autoformatting options doesn't seem to make a difference.

Only thing I can think to do for PPT 2000 is to create one slide with a numbered list, set the indents, and use that when you need something with numbers as opposed to regular bullets. If you use numbers more often than bullets, maybe set your slide master for the numbers and create the one slide to copy with indents appropriate for bullets instead of numbers.

FWIW, in PPT 2002 and 2003, you can have multiple masters, so you can set up one with appropriate indents for bulleted lists and another with appropriate settings for numbered lists. If you deal with this issue often, it may be worth an upgrade.

presenter, PPT Live '04
Oct 10-13, San Diego
Thanks, I've been resisting the upgrade but perhaps resistance is futile :-)
I have 2003 here... Perhaps this weekend and some wine...


Mark Durrenberger, PMP
Principal, Oak Associates, Inc,
"Advancing the Theory and Practice of Project Management"

The nicest thing about NOT planning is that failure
comes as a complete surprise and is not preceded by
a period of worry and depression.

- Sir John Harvey-Jones
Echo S said:
Thanks for the clarification, Mark. (Or should I say claret-ification?
There's nothing wrong with your slide master, as what you see there is
also what happens here (just double-checked to make sure). My guess is it's
just the way PPT works -- it's making room for both the number and the
period following it, and that's wider than the regular bullet, so the indent
settings get changed automatically. Unfortunately, turning off the
autoformatting options doesn't seem to make a difference.
Only thing I can think to do for PPT 2000 is to create one slide with a
numbered list, set the indents, and use that when you need something with
numbers as opposed to regular bullets. If you use numbers more often than
bullets, maybe set your slide master for the numbers and create the one
slide to copy with indents appropriate for bullets instead of numbers.
FWIW, in PPT 2002 and 2003, you can have multiple masters, so you can set
up one with appropriate indents for bulleted lists and another with
appropriate settings for numbered lists. If you deal with this issue often,
it may be worth an upgrade.
presenter, PPT Live '04
Oct 10-13, San Diego

Mark Durrenberger said:
Thanks now I'm thinking about wine :-) but,
I'm also thinking I didn't phrase my question well (could be the wine :-)

Let me try again.

With regular bullets my tab stops for the first level outline items (not
counting the title)
are at zero and word wrap at 3/8"
The next indent is at 1/2" and the word wrap indent is at 5/8"

For example:

Title of slide
o Text that wraps (tab at zero)
to here (indent tab at 3/8")
o text wraps to (tab at 1/2"
here (indent tab at 5/8")

Now select the Text placeholder and click on the button that changes to
numbered bullets and all the tab stops change
The new configuration
1. some text (tab at zero)
wraps to here (indent tab at 5/8" !!!)
1. Indented (Tab at 1/2")
wraps to here (tab at 1 1/8" !!!)

The question - is there something "wrong" with my slide master? or Why does
the tabbing change when switching from bullets to numbers? Is there a
different master? Is there some setting somewhere that I can tweak so that
tab stops don't change?


Mark Durrenberger, PMP
Principal, Oak Associates, Inc,
"Advancing the Theory and Practice of Project Management"

The nicest thing about NOT planning is that failure
comes as a complete surprise and is not preceded by
a period of worry and depression.

- Sir John Harvey-Jones