in excel a particular no e.g. 3600000 can be change by
using 1000 seprater i,e, 3,600,000, i am trying to convert
this no to 36,00,000. i have more than 2000 no to be convert.
As I understand it, you want to change the __appearance__ (format) of
the number, not convert it per se. You want numbers to appear with
the grouping 12,34,56,789 instead of 123,446,789.
If your numbers will be 7 digits or less, you can use the following
Custom format: [<1000]0;[<100000]0\,000;0\,00\,000
Unfortunately, such "condition value" custom formats are limited to 2
conditions, as shown. At least, that is the case in XL2003. I don't
know about XL2007 and later.
Note: In the Regional and Language Options control panel, there is a
custom Digit Grouping 12,34,56,789. But I was not able to get Excel
to group based on the regional setting. Nevertheless, there might be
some way that I have not thought of. Food for thought.