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When I am downloading from the Internet using Internet Explorer, I can only
download two files at any one time. How can I make a change to let me
download 4 files at once?
rick2517 said:
When I am downloading from the Internet using Internet Explorer, I
can only
download two files at any one time. How can I make a change to let
download 4 files at once?

Concurrently from the same site or concurrently from different sites?
If from the same site, that site probably has a limit on the number of
concurrent connects from the same IP address. You only get as many
connects as that site permits. Each of your connects comes from the
same IP address. If they only let everyone have 2 concurrent
connects, that's all you get. They decided not to let their users
abuse their resources by running too many downloads and sucking up too
much of their bandwidth to others can also use their service.