number as string and adding spaces to it



i need length of data input into cells to be a mulitple of 78. i have worked
that out except when the input is a number only.
if you input 12
i want to add 76 spaces after the "12". My code recognizes that its length
is 2 and that it needs to add 76 spaces but it doesn't
Dim blank As Variant
Dim length As Integer
Dim f_fix2 As String

For Each text_cell In text
blank = CStr(text_cell.Value)
length = Len(text_cell)
Dim f_fix2 As String
remnder = length Mod 78

.... check for lenth=0 or mulitple of 78
if not
f_fix2 = Space(78 - remnder)
text_cell.Value = blank + f_fix2
Thank you for taking a look



try dim the string

dim str as String * 78
str= cells(rng).value

if str=12 you get str with 12 and 76 spaces

Dave D-C

I think the key is to have an apostrophe before your value.
That is a necessity to enter a number as a string.
Also, I think & is preferred over + for strings.
Sub sub1()
Dim CellVal$, Padding$, Text_Cell As Range
For Each Text_Cell In Selection
CellVal = Text_Cell.Value
Padding = Space$(77 - ((Len(CellVal) + 77) Mod 78))
Text_Cell.Value = "'" & CellVal & Padding
Next Text_Cell
End Sub

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