Nulls and data retrieval with .NET 2.0

  • Thread starter Thread starter Thomas Coleman
  • Start date Start date

Thomas Coleman

I have been playing around with 2.0 and I'm trying clarify a few things about
generics and data access. I was hoping to be able to do something like this with
nullable types:

int? foo = null;

DataRow dr = ...;
dr["Column1"] = foo;

However, this does not work if the DataType value is set to int. In that
scenario, the system throws an invalid cast exception claiming that <> cannot be
converted to Int32. I have already read about all the reasons about why that
doesn't work.

What I need is simple: In *one line of code*, I need the ability to set a
variable that I can use to type a business object property such that it can
represent a primitive and a null in a value type and not be tied to SQL Server.

As I think about it, I could write a series of functions like ToInt32?, ToInt16?
that would cast a DBNull.Value to a null reference or the value in question. Of
course, I suppose I'll also need a series of functions that do the reverse like
ToDbInt32, ToDbInt16 etc. So I might have something like:

int? foo = StaticClass.ToInt32?(dr["ColName"]);


commandObj.Parameters[0].Value = StaticClass.ToDbInt32?(foo);

If that's in the framework, please tell me where. If that is not in the
framework, why? Why do I have to write a series of functions for a fundamental
operation in all database driven systems?

Thomas Coleman said:
I have been playing around with 2.0 and I'm trying clarify a few things
generics and data access. I was hoping to be able to do something like
this with
nullable types:

int? foo = null;

DataRow dr = ...;
dr["Column1"] = foo;

However, this does not work if the DataType value is set to int. In that
scenario, the system throws an invalid cast exception claiming that <>
cannot be
converted to Int32. I have already read about all the reasons about why
that doesn't work.

What I need is simple: In *one line of code*, I need the ability to set a
variable that I can use to type a business object property such that it
can represent a primitive and a null in a value type and not be tied to
SQL Server.

As I think about it, I could write a series of functions like ToInt32?,
ToInt16? that would cast a DBNull.Value to a null reference or the value
in question. Of course, I suppose I'll also need a series of functions
that do the reverse like ToDbInt32, ToDbInt16 etc. So I might have
something like:

int? foo = StaticClass.ToInt32?(dr["ColName"]);


commandObj.Parameters[0].Value = StaticClass.ToDbInt32?(foo);

If that's in the framework, please tell me where. If that is not in the
framework, why? Why do I have to write a series of functions for a
fundamental operation in all database driven systems?

It's not yet in the framework. ADO.NET just doesn't leverage nullable value
types in this release.

For the DataReader, we would need a new interface, say INullableDataReader
to return the nullable types.

Here's an implementation of INullableDataReader a utility class for wrapping
an IDataReader in a INullableDataReader, which should be helpful. Also it
illustrates some of the issues in integrating nullable types and ADO.NET.
Nullable types really would require a seperate ADO.NET library.

Using nullable types in a Data Access Layer is a great idea, but we will
have to build up the infrastructure to do it seperately from ADO.NET, for


using System;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;

public class Program

struct T
public class ColumnMap
public static readonly int id = 0;
public static readonly int s = 1;
public static readonly int i = 2;
public static readonly int d = 3;

public int id;
public string s;
public int? i;
public decimal? d;

public override string ToString()
return string.Format("id={0} s={1} i={2} d={3}", id, s, i, d);

static void Main(string[] args)
string constr = "Data Source=(local);Integrated Security=SSPI";

using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr))


string batch = @"
create table #t(id int identity primary key, s varchar(12), i int, d
insert into #t(s,i,d) values (null,2,null)
insert into #t(s,i,d) values ('a',null,6.5)
new SqlCommand(batch,con).ExecuteNonQuery();

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from #t", con);
using (INullableDataReader r = new
while (r.Read())

T t = new T(); = (int)r.GetInt32(;
t.s = r.GetString(T.ColumnMap.s);
t.i = r.GetInt32(T.ColumnMap.i);
t.d = r.GetDecimal(T.ColumnMap.d);


interface INullableDataReader : IDisposable
void Close();
int Depth
int FieldCount
bool? GetBoolean(int i);
byte? GetByte(int i);
long GetBytes(int i, long fieldOffset, byte[] buffer, int bufferoffset,
int length);
char? GetChar(int i);
long GetChars(int i, long fieldoffset, char[] buffer, int bufferoffset,
int length);
System.Data.IDataReader GetData(int i);
string GetDataTypeName(int i);
DateTime? GetDateTime(int i);
decimal? GetDecimal(int i);
double? GetDouble(int i);
Type GetFieldType(int i);
float? GetFloat(int i);
Guid? GetGuid(int i);
short? GetInt16(int i);
int? GetInt32(int i);
long? GetInt64(int i);
string GetName(int i);
int GetOrdinal(string name);
System.Data.DataTable GetSchemaTable();
string GetString(int i);
object GetValue(int i);
int GetValues(object[] values);
bool IsClosed
bool IsDBNull(int i);
bool NextResult();
bool Read();
int RecordsAffected
object this[int i]
object this[string name]

public class NullableDataReaderWrapper : INullableDataReader
private IDataReader r;
public NullableDataReaderWrapper(IDataReader r)
this.r = r;
public IDataReader WrappedReader
return r;

public void Close()

public int Depth
return r.Depth;

public DataTable GetSchemaTable()
return r.GetSchemaTable();


public bool IsClosed
return r.IsClosed;

public bool NextResult()
return r.NextResult();

public bool Read()
return r.Read();

public int RecordsAffected
return r.RecordsAffected;

public void Dispose()

public int FieldCount
return r.FieldCount;

public bool? GetBoolean(int i)
if (r.IsDBNull(i))
return null;
return r.GetBoolean(i);

public byte? GetByte(int i)
if (r.IsDBNull(i))
return null;
return r.GetByte(i);

public long GetBytes(int i, long fieldOffset, byte[] buffer, int
bufferoffset, int length)
return r.GetBytes(i, fieldOffset, buffer, bufferoffset, length);

public char? GetChar(int i)
if (r.IsDBNull(i))
return null;
return r.GetChar(i);

public long GetChars(int i, long fieldoffset, char[] buffer, int
bufferoffset, int length)
return r.GetChars(i, fieldoffset, buffer, bufferoffset, length);

public IDataReader GetData(int i)
return r.GetData(i);

public string GetDataTypeName(int i)
return r.GetDataTypeName(i);

public DateTime? GetDateTime(int i)
if (r.IsDBNull(i))
return null;
return r.GetDateTime(i);

public decimal? GetDecimal(int i)
if (r.IsDBNull(i))
return null;
return r.GetDecimal(i);

public double? GetDouble(int i)
if (r.IsDBNull(i))
return null;
return r.GetDouble(i);

public Type GetFieldType(int i)
Type t = r.GetFieldType(i);

switch (Type.GetTypeCode(t))
case TypeCode.Boolean:
return typeof(bool?);
case TypeCode.Byte:
return typeof(byte?);
case TypeCode.Char:
return typeof(char?);
case TypeCode.DateTime:
return typeof(DateTime?);
case TypeCode.Decimal:
return typeof(Decimal?);
case TypeCode.Double:
return typeof(Decimal?);
case TypeCode.Int16:
return typeof(Int16?);
case TypeCode.Int32:
return typeof(Int32?);
case TypeCode.Int64:
return typeof(Int64?);
case TypeCode.SByte:
return typeof(SByte?);
case TypeCode.Single:
return typeof(Single?);
case TypeCode.UInt16 :
return typeof(UInt16?);
case TypeCode.UInt32 :
return typeof(UInt32);
case TypeCode.UInt64:
return typeof(UInt64);
return t;

public float? GetFloat(int i)
if (r.IsDBNull(i))
return null;
return r.GetFloat(i);

public Guid? GetGuid(int i)
if (r.IsDBNull(i))
return null;
return r.GetGuid(i);

public short? GetInt16(int i)
if (r.IsDBNull(i))
return null;
return r.GetInt16(i);

public int? GetInt32(int i)
if (r.IsDBNull(i))
return null;
return r.GetInt32(i);

public long? GetInt64(int i)
if (r.IsDBNull(i))
return null;
return r.GetInt64(i);

public string GetName(int i)
return r.GetName(i);

public int GetOrdinal(string name)
return r.GetOrdinal(name);

public string GetString(int i)
if (r.IsDBNull(i))
return null;
return r.GetString(i);

public object GetValue(int i)
if (r.IsDBNull(i))
return null;
return r.GetValue(i);

public int GetValues(object[] values)
int rv = r.GetValues(values);
for (int i=0;i<values.Length;i++)
object o = values;
if (o == DBNull.Value)
values = null;

return rv;

public bool IsDBNull(int i)
return r.IsDBNull(i);

public object this[string name]
object o = r[name];
if (o == DBNull.Value)
o = null;
return o;

public object this[int i]
object o = r;
if (o == DBNull.Value)
o = null;
return o;



How is it that this was overlooked in THREE version of the framework?! I
complained to a Microsoft person a couple of years ago about this issue of not
being able to propogate nulls to the presentation layer in a non-database
specific way.

It really blows the whole "eat your own dog food" concept when something this
fundamental is overlooked. Clearly the dog food that Microsoft is eating does
not include database driven systems.

Microsoft and the MVPs and the RDs have been battling this for a LOOONG
time. I agree. It should have been done a long time ago. However, it won't
be easy. It can destabilize the framework which is the core foundation for
Longhorn and a lot of other applications--a whole lot. It might be too late
to make a change this big... (IMHO).

William (Bill) Vaughn
Author, Mentor, Consultant
Microsoft MVP
Please reply only to the newsgroup so that others can benefit.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
My first reaction to "it will destablize the framework" is that it should have
been a core part of the framework from the beginning. Database driven systems
probably represent more than 80% of all systems built with .NET.

Secondly, I don't see how it would have been that difficult to implement at
least some of the most common functionality. As I see it, they would simply have
to update the Item setter on the DataColumn and perhaps the Item setter on
DataRow to handle nullable types. They already handle value types. They already
handle reference types. So, I fail to see why this would have been such a big
issue. Similarly, they need to do some mapping code in the CommandParameter's
value property.

I don't see that as a massive issue. I just want to be able to do the following;

int? foo = null; //or a number

DataRow dr....;
dr[0] = foo;
foo = dr[0];

SqlParameter param ....;
param.Value = foo;
foo = param.Value;

How is that difficult to implement? Where is the ADO.NET team so we can smack
them upside the head? They're supposed to be designing a component that actually
allows developers to work with data sources are they not?

You won't get any disagreement with me there. However the Framework was
already years late. The discussion about nullibility was a very tough nut to
crack and they had so many dependencies from internal applications built
with the Framework that they (reluctantly) decided to go ahead with it and
more thoroughly study a good, stable, long-term design that would
accommodate both approaches. It still isn't done.
The team is... well a bit busy. They have a lot of work to do
lately--something about a new version of the Framework and the tools (Visual
Studio) to get working. They drop by all the time and scan the threads. They
hear you... I also pass on those really hot items (the ones I agree with)
to the MVPs and I'll mention them to the MS managers at the MVP summit and
to the other team members when we chat. The team has periodic chats--you
should try to get on one of those.
Incidentally, now is the time to start lobbying for the 2010 version. ;)

William (Bill) Vaughn
Author, Mentor, Consultant
Microsoft MVP
Please reply only to the newsgroup so that others can benefit.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Thomas Coleman said:
My first reaction to "it will destablize the framework" is that it should
have been a core part of the framework from the beginning. Database driven
systems probably represent more than 80% of all systems built with .NET.

Secondly, I don't see how it would have been that difficult to implement
at least some of the most common functionality. As I see it, they would
simply have to update the Item setter on the DataColumn and perhaps the
Item setter on DataRow to handle nullable types. They already handle value
types. They already handle reference types. So, I fail to see why this
would have been such a big issue. Similarly, they need to do some mapping
code in the CommandParameter's value property.

I don't see that as a massive issue. I just want to be able to do the

int? foo = null; //or a number

DataRow dr....;
dr[0] = foo;
foo = dr[0];

SqlParameter param ....;
param.Value = foo;
foo = param.Value;

How is that difficult to implement? Where is the ADO.NET team so we can
smack them upside the head? They're supposed to be designing a component
that actually allows developers to work with data sources are they not?


William (Bill) Vaughn said:
Microsoft and the MVPs and the RDs have been battling this for a LOOONG
time. I agree. It should have been done a long time ago. However, it
won't be easy. It can destabilize the framework which is the core
foundation for Longhorn and a lot of other applications--a whole lot. It
might be too late to make a change this big... (IMHO).

William (Bill) Vaughn
Author, Mentor, Consultant
Microsoft MVP
Please reply only to the newsgroup so that others can benefit.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no