The Platforms (All have .NetCF 1.0 SP2):
Emulators: WinCE.Net, PPC2002, PPC2003
Compaq iPaq 3870: PPPC2002
PSION 7535: WinCE.Net 4.1
My vb.net app runs fine on the emulators & iPaq on either
SP1 or SP2 but when I try running on the PSION 7535 it
fails intermittently with a NullReference error. Failure
appears to happen whenever a button is clicked, and
whenever a button is clicked I change the Cursor to:
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor.
The 7535 comes with a reduced OS, and one of the missing
components I'd guess is the Cursor. I came to that
conclusion by loading coredll's functions LoadCursor and
SetCursor, but still the cursor doesn't appear on the
PSION although it does on all the other platforms.
Would the lack of a Cursor in the OS cause intermmittent
NullReference Errors?
BTW I can't debug the 7535 via VisStud.net 2003 as I
cannot connect to it through VisStud.net 2003.
Many Thanks All
The Platforms (All have .NetCF 1.0 SP2):
Emulators: WinCE.Net, PPC2002, PPC2003
Compaq iPaq 3870: PPPC2002
PSION 7535: WinCE.Net 4.1
My vb.net app runs fine on the emulators & iPaq on either
SP1 or SP2 but when I try running on the PSION 7535 it
fails intermittently with a NullReference error. Failure
appears to happen whenever a button is clicked, and
whenever a button is clicked I change the Cursor to:
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor.
The 7535 comes with a reduced OS, and one of the missing
components I'd guess is the Cursor. I came to that
conclusion by loading coredll's functions LoadCursor and
SetCursor, but still the cursor doesn't appear on the
PSION although it does on all the other platforms.
Would the lack of a Cursor in the OS cause intermmittent
NullReference Errors?
BTW I can't debug the 7535 via VisStud.net 2003 as I
cannot connect to it through VisStud.net 2003.
Many Thanks All