Jeff via AccessMonster.com
I have a search button on my form that sets the recordsource to a new
recordset based on the search criteria. My problem is that if the search
returns no records then I get an error message. To get around this I'll
have to check if the recordset is null before I set it. Unfortunately, I
can't seem to get it working. Here's the code that works without null
recorsets. Can someone help me insert the null check into this code.
Dim IDCheck, SQLString AS String
IDCheck = InputBox("Please enter the Case ID you wish to search for.",
"Search", "")
If IDCheck = "" Then
'No value entered or cancel was clicked
Exit Sub
'Search for ID
SQLString = "SELECT * FROM Table WHERE [ID] = "& IDCheck
Me.RecordSource = SQLString
End If
recordset based on the search criteria. My problem is that if the search
returns no records then I get an error message. To get around this I'll
have to check if the recordset is null before I set it. Unfortunately, I
can't seem to get it working. Here's the code that works without null
recorsets. Can someone help me insert the null check into this code.
Dim IDCheck, SQLString AS String
IDCheck = InputBox("Please enter the Case ID you wish to search for.",
"Search", "")
If IDCheck = "" Then
'No value entered or cancel was clicked
Exit Sub
'Search for ID
SQLString = "SELECT * FROM Table WHERE [ID] = "& IDCheck
Me.RecordSource = SQLString
End If