Loukas Marinis
I define a field as
Required = No
Allow Zero Lenghth = Yes
Indexed Yes(No Duplicates)
I am using visual basic and my question is if there is a to insert as null.
It seems from visual basic this is not possible since you can't declare a
string as null
When i insert "" in this field and move to next field, access delete make it
appearing as a 'real' null. however i can't to it with other record
Anyway to insert a valuew where access will accept it as null
Required = No
Allow Zero Lenghth = Yes
Indexed Yes(No Duplicates)
I am using visual basic and my question is if there is a to insert as null.
It seems from visual basic this is not possible since you can't declare a
string as null
When i insert "" in this field and move to next field, access delete make it
appearing as a 'real' null. however i can't to it with other record
Anyway to insert a valuew where access will accept it as null