rob p
Table has an field called Amount. Long Int, Standard, 2 decimals.
Use query of same for form and resulting report. In the detail section of
the report, if there is nothing in Amount field I get error. Same with Group
footer. This report is called rptsubreport. (I eventually need to insert
into a rptmainreport. - Not until I solve this annoying problem.) Of course,
if there are numbers all works fine.
Detail: =Nz([Amount],0)
Group footer: = Nz(Sum([Amount]),0)
Use query of same for form and resulting report. In the detail section of
the report, if there is nothing in Amount field I get error. Same with Group
footer. This report is called rptsubreport. (I eventually need to insert
into a rptmainreport. - Not until I solve this annoying problem.) Of course,
if there are numbers all works fine.
Detail: =Nz([Amount],0)
Group footer: = Nz(Sum([Amount]),0)