I want to set the variable and then post the variable (value = null)
to the !Date Field
If you want a _variable_ to hold a null value, it has to be a Variant
Dim varMyDate as Variant
varMyDate = Null
rs.fields("SomeDateField") = varMyDate
' etc...
VB and VBA has what is called stong typing (well, fairly strong), which
means that you can only put dates in a Date variable, strings in a String
field, and so on. It's a bit lax about converting stuff, though, which can
give the programmer a false sense of what is going on: for example
dtMyDate = "15/12/2004"
would never be allowed in a real language like Pascal. <ducking /> On the
other hand, it's the only way round some nasty editor bugs in VB. The
existence of Variants also muddies the water, but is the way to handle
things like Optional arguments, null values, etc etc. It's probably a
reasonable compromise between the rigour of really strongly-typed languages
and the anything-goes of VBS.
A field object can, on the other hand, hold any value that is legal for the
field - this may or may not be NULL, may or may not be a zero length
string, and so on.
Hope that helps
Tim F