Nuclear Battery Power


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
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I wonder whether these will ever become available for powering our laptops and MP3s? Here I guess these really would keep the Duracel bunny going on, and on, and on...... :D
Great idea, but what about the enormous lead and concrete shield around it. :p

Another problem is that, in general, the public won't have anything to do with radioactivity. They are always afraid that they will grow an extra arm or eye. :D
An glowing in the dark aswell.
nivrip said:
They are always afraid that they will grow an extra arm or eye.:D

Abarbarian said:
An glowing in the dark aswell.

I can see advantages... it's always handy to be able to keep an eye on things happening behind you. And glowing would stop one tripping over things in the dark :rolleyes: The extra hand would be great for DIY - holding things in place whilst you twiddle your screwdriver... it has potential :p :lol:
Could this be the solution to powering cars in the future,by doing away with the huge batteries they have now. I mean has anyone seen the new electric Mini car that is going on trial.There is just about enough room in the back for two tots.And as for the boot well there is room for just two laptops,the thing is full of batteries!

historian :thumb:
historian said:
Could this be the solution to powering cars in the future,by doing away with the huge batteries they have now. I mean has anyone seen the new electric Mini car that is going on trial.There is just about enough room in the back for two tots.And as for the boot well there is room for just two laptops,the thing is full of batteries!

historian :thumb:

Not much different from the original then