ntuser.dat file in use

May 9, 2006
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When I bring up Outlook Express a warning message comes up saying that the NTUSER.DAT file cannot be deleted because it is in use, and the message has only an "OK" button. When I click the OK button, Outlook Express loads just fine and I have no further problems. I would like to get rid of this "inconvenience" but haven't a clue. I am on a Dell pc using WinXP Media(Pro). Hard disk is partitioned C: D: E: F: G: with H: as external hard drive (MyBook) and M: as CD/DVD drive. C: is o/s, D: is backup data, E: is ghost images, G: is empty for now. System Restore feature is 'on'. Appreciate any suggestions.
My WinXP is same as Pro.

I store my o/s and other executables on the 16GB C: partition (NTFS). I copy critical backup files on the 31GB D: partition (FAT32), and also to CD or DVD. I store ghost images on the 31GB E: partition (FAT32) and also back them up on DVD. The remaining F: partition (NTFS) is unused for now. My external HD is 160GB H: NTFS which I am planning to make bootable with my WinXP Media/Pro on it, along with mirror images of the D: and E: partitions. My CD/DVD is M: drive. I also have a floppy A: drive, and a thumb 512MG USB flash drive that I use to copy a handful of most critical files such as budget spreadsheet and stored mail folders and address book. I realize it's probably overkill but it keeps me occupied and out of the bars.

I use McAfee FW & AV which seems to be doing a credible job. I use ErrorKiller, Registry Booster, AMDeadlink (delete dead bookmarks), Sonic to burn CD/DVD, Power DVD to read CD/DVD, MS Office for Word & Excel, DAP Plus Premium for accelerated downloads, RoboForm which I like a lot, Windows Registry Guide, Driver Detective, Gurunet... I like to use my computer, like I say it keeps me off the streets. Thanks for your interest. How about you?
You have a program missing ... try CCleaner, be carefull not to install the Yahoo Toolbar by UN-ticking the box.

Well, I am happy to report that my little thorn in my side is no longer there. Mysteriously, the problem disappeared. How, I don't have a clue. Maybe because I was moving files around including the stored mail folders. Anyhoo, now, when I press the 'mail' button on my keyboard, Outlook Express comes up without a glitch. :))