ntoskrnl.exe keyboard and mouse freeze



I have been looking all over the net for a solution to my problem.
First of all here are some general specs:

AMD Athlon 2500+ w/ DFI Mobo (overclocked to 3200+)
G Force Ti-200 Vid Card

I have been having this problem for quite sometime now and it only
happens every so often. It will be fine for weeks at a time and one
day it will do that same thing all day. When I am using the computer,
my keyboard locks up and my PC wont take any input from the keyboard.
Then my mouse can still move on the screen but my PC will not accept
any input from the mouse either. I therefore have to reset my comp
through the power button and once i restart I get the

ntoskrnl.exe corrupt error and how i have to reintall or repair it. I
have tried all the things Microsoft has said to do including checking
the boot.ini and expanding a fresh copy of the ntoskrnl.exe file as
well. I have updated all drivers and flashed my BIOS as well. I have
to unplug the power cord to get back into Windows XP and then it will
do it agian. One day it will never freeze up on me and another it will
do it continusly all day long. I have no viruses. I know it is not my
hard drive and memory because i have tested them.

I can't seem to find any answers and have been working on this for
well over a month. I am thinking about getting a new mobo and vid card
if i cant fix it. Please help!


Even though they might not addmit to it, it all Microfts
fault. I dont know why but it is. They are what I and many
of my Linux friends call pure dark dark evil.

Probaly somthing to do with your Prossesor. Do you have
Pentium 4? If so good. If you have celeron they you also
are, pure dark dark evil!


It did occur to me so i kept it underclocked and it still did the same
thing. My system temp is all average and not anywhere near
overheating...i still need help finding a solution. I dont know what
else it could be!

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