I have the same problem with W2KPro....NTLDR is Missing, Alt+Ctrl+Del t
restart (why, if NTLDR is missing, it won't boot now or again.....?)
I've tried the repair console, "Can't copy NTLDR, ARCSETUP.exe
ARCLDR.exe", so no automatic fix allowed.
Then tried to copy the three files manually - "Access Denied"....
Tried attrib -s -h -r (and -shr) ntldr/boot.ini/arcsetup.exe/arcldr.ex
- file not found or words to that effect......however "attrib ntldr
returns SHR (i.e. file found).....REN is obviously denied too....
So, it appears that write-access is being denied to the c: drive bot
for manual and automatic-repair fixing.....
I had created a recovery disk and boot disks from the machine - th
boot "can't load biosinfo.inf" and the recovery disk obviously can't b
copied to the hdd.
Tried to re-install to c:\newwin - didn't install but claimed to hav
effected repairs......but not enough of them, apparently!
In short, I can 'see' the files at the 'manual repair' level of th
installation cd but cannot effect any sort of repair because access t
the hdd is denied - any ideas PLEASE?
*This can be caused by several issues:
1) the boot.ini is misconfigured to boot off an invalid location
2) Problem with the hard drive / or drive connections
3) the file is actually missing