What century did you come from.
Many computers now don't come with floppies and wasting the
time searching for a floppy except when you are installing a system
or doing a BIOS update is wasted boot time.
I agree; that's why I disable diskette seek and set HD first in the
boot order - but the main reason is greater safety.
We are seeing a return to "infecting disks", with some malware
infecting USB sticks in particular.
So whereas in the 20th century, you might leave an infected diskette
in the drive and boot yourself into Stoned or One-Half, in the 21st
century you might leave a USB stick plugged in and do much the same.
Most modern BIOS's do not have the default
HD's not usually the default first boot, because that locks newbies
out of booting off anything else.
and most allow boot time selection of device when desired.
Yes, that's another possible setting; it used to be more common on
laptops, and it's not ubiquitous yet. Also, just as the hot keys to
get into BIOS aren't consistent (Del, F2, F1, F10...) so it is with
the keys to bring up the selection menu (F12, F11..)
What's interesting is that the humble bootable diskette image lives
on, as an encapsulated standard within post-diskette boot devices.
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