NTFS Version

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kanaiya Bhavanani
  • Start date Start date
Info from


If you are running XP just open a command window and type:

C:\>fsutil fsinfo ntfsinfo c:

If you are running a version of windows that doesn't have the fsutil utility

1.. Drag out your Resource Kit and put DSKPROBE somewhere you can
run it. A diskette is fine if it'll fit. There's no "installation
procedure". All you need is the .exe.

2.. Make sure you're logged on as an Administrator and that the
drive you want to examine is local (not networked).

3.. Make sure you know what volume you're going to examine. (X:)



6.. Double-click on the volume you're examining. This will open
handle zero to that drive.

7.. Click on SET ACTIVE in the HANDLE 0 area. LEAVE THE READ-ONLY

8.. Click "OK".

9.. Select SECTORS->READ and read in sector 0 for length 1.


11.. Click the "GO" button next to "Clusters to MFT"

12.. Select VIEW->BYTES.

13.. Select SECTORS->READ

14.. Leave the "STARTING SECTOR" value alone.

15.. Make "Number of Sectors" be 8, and click on READ.

16.. You have just read in the first 4 MFT records. We're looking
for MFT record number 3, so we must click on the right arrow in the tool bar
six times.

17.. You will end up looking at the first half of MFT record 3, the
MFT record for $Volume. You will see the text "$Volume" in the display.

18.. There are 16 columns of hex digits. Looking down column 0 or 8,
you will find a hex "70". Here's where I found it on my machine:
1B0 70 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 05 00
1C0 0C 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
1D0 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00

(You may have to go to the next sector to see the "70".)

19.. At the line starting with 1D0 is a "03 00". This value is 32
bytes past the "70". "03 00" means this volume is running NTFS version 3.0.

20.. If you're running NT4 you'll usually see "01 02". This is NTFS
version 1.2.

21.. If, perchance, you're running an XP beta, you'll most likely
see the value "03 01", meaning this volume is running NTFS version 3.1.


rgds Steve