
I just upgraded my Windows 98SE to XP and trying the NTFS
file system is really slow with my older processor. I
have an AMD K-6 400mhz processor.
How do I convert my hard drive BACK to the FAT32 system.
Will I have to reinstall XP again, or can I just use the
FORMAT disk option from the C: drive and change it to
FAT32 there. If I do that, will it wipe out Windows as
well? Help....


You cannot format a system disk from the system disk. Boot up with the XP CD
disk and format the hard drive from there. Then reinstall XP. Warning:
everything on the hard drive will be wiped out.

A much better alternative is to use a 3rd party program such as Partition
Magic. With it, you can convert back to FAT32 without loosing any existing
data and without having to reinstall XP. However, a backup is in order, just
in case something goes wrong.

Ronnie Vernon MVP

Cliffton said:
I just upgraded my Windows 98SE to XP and trying the NTFS
file system is really slow with my older processor. I
have an AMD K-6 400mhz processor.
How do I convert my hard drive BACK to the FAT32 system.
Will I have to reinstall XP again, or can I just use the
FORMAT disk option from the C: drive and change it to
FAT32 there. If I do that, will it wipe out Windows as
well? Help....


You have 2 choices here. Either wipe the drive and reinstall XP or purchase
a third party program like Partition Magic which has the ability to convert
the file system from NTFS to FAT32.

Ronnie Vernon
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User

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