NTFS Cluster Size

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jay-P
  • Start date Start date


1- I know that on win 2k it is impossible to defrag
clusters over 4K in size due to limitations in the API.
I was wondering if MS ever developed a patch or
workaround for this limitation. I often have files that
are over 32 k in size and would like my disks to be able
to contain these files in one single cluster rather than
8 or 16. I know that WinXp and 2003 do not have this
problem but at work we have win 2K server and pro and
since I use diskeeper I am unable to use 32 or 64k
clusters (as I said,they won't defrag).

2- Is it possible to resize clusters on a functional OS
without formatting?

These questions may seem "dumb" to some of you but hey, I
have to ask just to satisfy my curiosity. You'll never
know if you never ask, right?


1. As far as I am aware, this problem still exists. This MS Knowledge Base
article describes limitations in the built in defrag program:


2. Not within the operating system, but third party software, Partition
Magic for instance, is said to have this possibility.

Best regards
