Give me a break ...
If we all we are is a bunch of googlers , we might as well permanently
cancel all of these newsgroups.
The growing obsession of many with posting snide "google it" comments
doesn't serve anyone's interests -- least of all the obsessive googlers.
There are many reasons for this , one of the less obvious is that obsessive
googling makes a profession which has certain intrinsic anti-social
tendencies even more anti-social. Historically, the newsgroups haven't just
been about "answers" but also about discussion and ... ( horrors ) opinion !
Those who just want to "just google it" all day and night probably should
stay away from the newsgroups.
But back to the topic at hand : cmd.exe help is hardly a substitute for a
well-written chm ( one of MS's better inventions ) , and over the years (
I've been doing this since 1995 ) , I've found ntcmds.chm to be one of the
better chms MS has put together.
There is a growing tendency at MS to "fix it when it ain't broke". They
seem to be in a ( potentially marketing led pattern ) of switching things
around to justify the new license fees ( kind of a variant on 3 card
Monte ). No wonder Vista sales have massively dissapointed Wall Street.