NTbackup Scheduled tasks do not run unless console is logged in

  • Thread starter Thread starter Double R
  • Start date Start date

Double R

Hello... I could not find anything specific to this issue.

I have a scheduled task that runs weekly - it is basically an NTbackup
full backup to a storage system on my network. I have tested this from
a TS session and found:

1.) If the console is not logged in (say the system reboots - which i
have scheduled to do), the task will run for about 2 seconds and end.

2.) If the console is logged in, the same task just ran will actually
fully run and execute correctly

So the issue at hand here is that my scheduled NTbackup tasks are not
running due to the console not being logged in.

This is my batch file:

net use E: \\wiggum\Backups
C:\WINNT\system32\NTBACKUP.EXE backup "@C:\Documents and
Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application
data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\never.bks" /n "Webserver" /d
"Webserver" /v:no /r:no /rs:no /hc:off /m normal /j "Webserver" /l:s /f

I have 2 questions...

1.) Is there a fix for this specific issue, and has anyone else run
into this?
2.) If not, is there a way i can make Windows 2000 Server to
automatically log after a reboot as a specified account? (I would set
the screen saved to activate within 1 minute and password protect from

The system is a Windows 2000 SP4 server, running IIS and SQL.

I have supplied an administrator username and password of the system
and domain to execute the scheduled task as (Read about numerous issues
like above because no password was specified - not my issue here)
Double R said:
Hello... I could not find anything specific to this issue.

I have a scheduled task that runs weekly - it is basically an NTbackup
full backup to a storage system on my network. I have tested this from
a TS session and found:

1.) If the console is not logged in (say the system reboots - which i
have scheduled to do), the task will run for about 2 seconds and end.

2.) If the console is logged in, the same task just ran will actually
fully run and execute correctly

So the issue at hand here is that my scheduled NTbackup tasks are not
running due to the console not being logged in.

This is my batch file:

net use E: \\wiggum\Backups
C:\WINNT\system32\NTBACKUP.EXE backup "@C:\Documents and
Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application
data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\never.bks" /n "Webserver" /d
"Webserver" /v:no /r:no /rs:no /hc:off /m normal /j "Webserver" /l:s /f

I have 2 questions...

1.) Is there a fix for this specific issue, and has anyone else run
into this?
2.) If not, is there a way i can make Windows 2000 Server to
automatically log after a reboot as a specified account? (I would set
the screen saved to activate within 1 minute and password protect from

The system is a Windows 2000 SP4 server, running IIS and SQL.

I have supplied an administrator username and password of the system
and domain to execute the scheduled task as (Read about numerous issues
like above because no password was specified - not my issue here)

You must examine the backup log. What does it report?
Any failed backup log has the following in it:

Backup Status
The operation was not performed because the specified media cannot be


The media of the backup is located on a network share
(E:\Wiggum\Backups) that is mapped on "Login" (according to windows map
drive function)...

I may be wrong here - but the issue seems to be due to not being logged
into the console? Can windows map a on reboot, without having to log
into the console?

Maybe I need to create a batch file that just maps a drive to
E:\Wiggum\Backups that is a sheduled task to run "When my computer
starts" ?

Your help is much appreciated - please let me know if you need any more
information from me... I have 2 other windows 2000 servers that do not
have this issue (because they are logged into the console when the task
runs), and 2 other server that do have the issue (because they reboot
daily and are not logged into the console - they are citrix machine's
and I reboot them at 3am to clean out any stale sessions before users
start logging in again)
Modify your batch file like so:

@echo off
echo %date% %time% Start of task > c:\test.log
echo User=%UserName%, Path=%path% >> c:\test.log
net use E: \\wiggum\Backups 1>>c:\test.log 2>>&1
dir E:\ 1>>c:\test.log 2>>&1
C:\WINNT\system32\NTBACKUP.EXE backup "@C:\Documents and
Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application data\Microsoft\Windows
NT\NTBackup\data\never.bks" /n "Webserver" /d "Webserver" /v:no /r:no /rs:no
/hc:off /m normal /j "Webserver" /l:s /f "E:\WebServer.bkf" 1>>c:\test.log
echo %date% %time% End of task >> c:\test.log

Now run this batch file under the Task Scheduler, then
examine c:\test.log and report the result here.
Thanks again for all your help here...

The scheduler is acting strange - I am going to test with your script
and I will repost some results... I scheduled a task with your script,
and it runs through task scheduler regardless of if someone is logged
into the console (created the task through a TS session as

When I ran the one I created, it runs for a few moments and than exits

I will post results shortly... def. appreciate it all once again!!
Here is some more info... After manually running the batch files, I
noticed that a portion of my problem is due to NTBackup needed user
input. I am using the same NTbackup version for all backups, but the
user input that is surpressed is saying something along the lines of
"The media was created by a differnt application - do you want to
continue: Yes No (buttons)" I am 100% sure that in the batch file i
have the switches to overwrite the existing media - any idea why this
would be prompting me?

Here are some results from the other proplem I originally posted (could
not duplicate on same system as before, could on another system)

Console: Not logged in, Logged in VIA TS session as Domain
Batch file: c:\weekend\test.bat
Task Name: test.job
Run: C:\Weekend\test.bat
Start In: C:\Weekend
Run As: domain\administrator (password entered when creating task)
Schedule: Wednesday, 7/26/05 - 1:51PM
Batch File:

@echo off
echo %date% %time% Start of task > c:\test.log
echo User=%UserName%, Path=%path% >> c:\test.log
net use E: \\wiggum\Backups 1>>c:\test.log 2>>&1
dir E:\ 1>>c:\test.log 2>>&1
C:\WINNT\system32\NTBACKUP.EXE backup "@C:\Documents and
Settings\administrator.VMGU\Local Settings\Application
Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\Citrix.bks" /n "Citrix" /d
"Citrix" /v:no /r:no /rs:no /hc:off /m normal /j "Citrix" /l:s /f
"E:\citrix.bkf" 1>>c:\test.log 2>>&1
echo %date% %time% End of task >> c:\test.log

Wed 07/26/2006 13:51:00.19 Start of task
Files\Citrix\system32;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
System error 1202 has occurred.

An attempt was made to remember a device that had previously been

The system cannot find the path specified.
Wed 07/26/2006 13:51:02.50 End of task
Net Use at time of task:

Status Local Remote Network

OK E: \\wiggum.vmgu\Backups Microsoft Windows
OK N: \\vmgu12000\spdata Microsoft Windows
OK S: \\vmgu12000\spapps Microsoft Windows
The command completed successfully.
NTBackup Log:

Backup Status
The operation was not performed because the specified media cannot be

Task Sched Log:

"test.job" (test.bat)
Started 7/26/2006 1:51:00 PM
"test.job" (test.bat)
Finished 7/26/2006 1:51:02 PM
Result: The task completed with an exit code of (0).
Specified citrix.BKS file content:

C:\Documents and Settings\
C:\Program Files\
C:\System Volume Information\

-After all of this, I Re-entered the administrator password,
re-scheduled the tast for 3 minutes later... the NTbackup process
started, and just hung (probably waiting for user interaction)
-Killed NTbackup, Ended the scheduled task
-Ran test.bat manually (no scheduled task)
-Test log from manual run w/ no one logged in (keep in mind, I killed
the task, so it did finish - i assume it would just time out over 72
hours like in the scheduled task settings.

Wed 07/26/2006 14:09:19.16 Start of task
Files\Citrix\system32;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
System error 1202 has occurred.

An attempt was made to remember a device that had previously been

Volume in drive E is Backups
Volume Serial Number is 08F1-17C4

Directory of E:\

07/26/2006 02:02p <DIR> .
04/18/2006 04:20p <DIR> ..
06/12/2006 09:49p 6,004,287,488 WebServer_061206.bkf
07/23/2006 02:07a <DIR> Backup
07/22/2006 01:34a 1,884,270,592 vmgu12000.bkf
07/26/2006 02:09p 2,115,633,152 WebServer.bkf
07/23/2006 02:14a 258,199 BRUBack.log
07/23/2006 02:14a 33,238 WEEKLY_BACKUP.rep
07/22/2006 05:43a 7,439,729,664 vmguapps.bkf
07/23/2006 03:19a 2,284,510,208 outlook.bkf
07/26/2006 02:02p 1,311,744 citrix.bkf
07/20/2006 02:10p <DIR> Citrix Files
07/20/2006 02:10p <DIR> Outlook Files
8 File(s) 19,730,034,285 bytes
5 Dir(s) 38,957,744,128 bytes free
Wed 07/26/2006 14:09:35.61 End of task

Console: Logged in as administrator and TS session as administrator
(New TS session after admin login on console)
Batch file: c:\weekend\test.bat
Task Name: test.job
Run: C:\Weekend\test.bat
Start In: C:\Weekend
Run As: domain\administrator (password entered when creating task)
Schedule: Wednesday, 7/26/05 - 2:25PM - JOB RUNS SUCCESSFULLY
Batch File:

@echo off
echo %date% %time% Start of task > c:\test.log
echo User=%UserName%, Path=%path% >> c:\test.log
net use E: \\wiggum\Backups 1>>c:\test.log 2>>&1
dir E:\ 1>>c:\test.log 2>>&1
C:\WINNT\system32\NTBACKUP.EXE backup "@C:\Documents and
Settings\administrator.VMGU\Local Settings\Application
Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\Citrix.bks" /n "Citrix" /d
"Citrix" /v:no /r:no /rs:no /hc:off /m normal /j "Citrix" /l:s /f
"E:\citrix.bkf" 1>>c:\test.log 2>>&1
echo %date% %time% End of task >> c:\test.log

Wed 07/26/2006 14:25:03.57 Start of task
Files\Citrix\system32;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
System error 1202 has occurred.

An attempt was made to remember a device that had previously been

Volume in drive E is Backups
Volume Serial Number is 08F1-17C4

Directory of E:\

07/26/2006 02:09p <DIR> .
04/18/2006 04:20p <DIR> ..
06/12/2006 09:49p 6,004,287,488 WebServer_061206.bkf
07/23/2006 02:07a <DIR> Backup
07/22/2006 01:34a 1,884,270,592 vmgu12000.bkf
07/26/2006 02:25p 2,963,277,824 WebServer.bkf
07/23/2006 02:14a 258,199 BRUBack.log
07/23/2006 02:14a 33,238 WEEKLY_BACKUP.rep
07/22/2006 05:43a 7,439,729,664 vmguapps.bkf
07/23/2006 03:19a 2,284,510,208 outlook.bkf
07/26/2006 02:09p 16,038,912 citrix.bkf
07/20/2006 02:10p <DIR> Citrix Files
07/20/2006 02:10p <DIR> Outlook Files
8 File(s) 20,592,406,125 bytes
5 Dir(s) 38,095,814,656 bytes free
Wed 07/26/2006 14:45:40.14 End of task
Net Use at time of task:

Status Local Remote Network

OK E: \\wiggum.vmgu\Backups Microsoft Windows
OK N: \\vmgu12000\spdata Microsoft Windows
OK S: \\vmgu12000\spapps Microsoft Windows
The command completed successfully.
NTBackup Log:

Backup Status
Operation: Backup
Active backup destination: File
Media name: "Citrix"

Backup of "C: "
Backup set #1 on media #1
Backup description: "Citrix"
Backup Type: Normal

Backup started on 7/26/2006 at 2:25 PM.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\administrator.VMGU\Local
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Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat.LOG in use -
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Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\catalogs51FD005312.FDD in use -
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Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\catalogs51SM005312.SM in use -
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Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\catalogs51\QTC_TEMP.000 in use -
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Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\catalogs51\QTC_TEMP.001 in use -
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Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\catalogs51\QTC_TEMP.002 in use -
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Data\Microsoft\Outlook\outcmd.dat in use - skipped.
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use - skipped.
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Data\ApplicationHistory\SmaService.exe.4f66e46a.ini.inuse in use -
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use - skipped.
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use - skipped.
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- skipped.
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- skipped.
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Data\Microsoft\Outlook\MSIN2783.RHC in use - skipped.
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use - skipped.
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use - skipped.
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Data\Microsoft\Outlook\MS Exchange Settings.NICK in use - skipped.
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Data\Microsoft\Templates\Normal.dot in use - skipped.
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use - skipped.
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Settings\History\History.IE5\index.dat in use - skipped.
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- skipped.
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use - skipped.
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Settings\kdriscoll\com.coverall.renderer0.log in use - skipped.
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Settings\kdriscoll\com.coverall.renderer0.log.lck in use - skipped.
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Data\Microsoft\Outlook\MS Exchange Settings.NICK in use - skipped.
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Data\Microsoft\Outlook\outcmd.dat in use - skipped.
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Data\Microsoft\Templates\Normal.dot in use - skipped.
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in use - skipped.
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Settings\History\History.IE5\index.dat in use - skipped.
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Settings\History\History.IE5\MSHist012006072620060727\index.dat in use
- skipped.
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Settings\Temp\8\DA.tmp in use - skipped.
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Settings\Temp\9\~WRF0000.tmp in use - skipped.
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Settings\Temp\a\Acr1.tmp in use - skipped.
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Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat in use -
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Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK2\Request to Bind 21REVISED.xls in
use - skipped.
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use - skipped.
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in use - skipped.
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Data\Microsoft\Outlook\outcmd.dat in use - skipped.
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Settings\mpittounicos\Cookies\index.dat in use - skipped.
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Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat in use -
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Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat.LOG in use -
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Settings\History\History.IE5\index.dat in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mpittounicos\Local
Settings\Temp\14\~DFE092.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mpittounicos\Local
Settings\Temp\14\~DFE09F.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mpittounicos\Local
Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat in use -
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\.plugin141.trace in
use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and
Settings\mscanlon\com.coverall.renderer0.log in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and
Settings\mscanlon\com.coverall.renderer0.log.lck in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook\MS Exchange Settings.NICK in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook\outcmd.dat in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Cookies\index.dat in
use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Desktop\Cumulative
Time Tracker 7.24-7.30.xls in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\History\History.IE5\index.dat in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\History\History.IE5\MSHist012006072620060727\index.dat in use
- skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\3\APR5C6.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\3\APR5D9.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\3\SOF34.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\3\SOFB.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\3\~DF10A9.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\3\~DF5981.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\3\~DF598B.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\3\~DF89E9.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\3\~DF89F3.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\3\~DFDD0D.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\6\~DF8E2F.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\6\~DFA2A4.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat in use -
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\rdesharnais\Cookies\index.dat
in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\rdesharnais\Local
Settings\History\History.IE5\index.dat in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\rdesharnais\Local
Settings\History\History.IE5\MSHist012006072620060727\index.dat in use
- skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\rdesharnais\Local
Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat in use -
Warning: The file \Program Files\Citrix\Independent Management
Architecture\imalhc.ldb in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Program Files\Citrix\Independent Management
Architecture\imalhc.mdb in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Program Files\Citrix\Independent Management
Architecture\mf20.ldb in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Program Files\Citrix\Independent Management
Architecture\mf20.mdb in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office\Startup\PDFMaker.dot in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office\XLStart\PDFMaker.xla in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \WINNT\system32\Perflib_Perfdata_49c.dat in use -
Warning: The file \WINNT\Temp\JETAA88.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \WINNT\Temp\JETAFA8.tmp in use - skipped.
Backup completed on 7/26/2006 at 2:44 PM.
Directories: 5065
Files: 31160
Skipped: 166
Bytes: 4,400,427,300
Time: 19 minutes and 6 seconds
Media name: "Citrix"

Backup of "System State"
Backup set #2 on media #1
Backup description: "Citrix"
Backup Type: Copy

Backup started on 7/26/2006 at 2:44 PM.
Backup completed on 7/26/2006 at 2:45 PM.
Directories: 123
Files: 1973
Bytes: 265,462,590
Time: 1 minute and 18 seconds


Scheduled task Log:

"test.job" (test.bat)
Started 7/26/2006 2:25:03 PM
"test.job" (test.bat)
Finished 7/26/2006 2:45:40 PM
Result: The task completed with an exit code of (0).
Specified citrix.BKS file content:

C:\Documents and Settings\
C:\Program Files\
C:\System Volume Information\

So the task above ran successfully after logging administrator onto the

Does windows have an issue w/ mapping a drive to an area if no one is
logged in?

Any help would be much appreciated - please let me know if you need any
more information!!!

-Pulling My hair out
Double R said:
Here is some more info... After manually running the batch files, I
noticed that a portion of my problem is due to NTBackup needed user
input. I am using the same NTbackup version for all backups, but the
user input that is surpressed is saying something along the lines of
"The media was created by a differnt application - do you want to
continue: Yes No (buttons)" I am 100% sure that in the batch file i
have the switches to overwrite the existing media - any idea why this
would be prompting me?

Here are some results from the other proplem I originally posted (could
not duplicate on same system as before, could on another system)

Your problem has nothing to do with who is logged in but it
is caused by your attempt to map a share to a drive letter
that is already occupied. The best solution is to use UNC
coding. The next best solution is to use a different drive letter,
or to stop remembering mapped shares (net use /persistent:no).

Using mapped drive letters in a scheduled task is never a
good idea. If the task hangs for some reason then this
drive letter remains unavailable ***to any session*** until
you reboot the machine.
I see - Greatly appreciate all your help on this, and your time viewing
my scenario. I will edit my scripts and systems to delete the mapped
drives via Net Use w/ UNC, and only connect to the drives when the
script is about to run - then disconnect the drive at the end of the
script. Once again - much thanks... I will post again if I have any
issue's. Thanks so much!!!!!
Thanks for the feedback.

Double R said:
I see - Greatly appreciate all your help on this, and your time viewing
my scenario. I will edit my scripts and systems to delete the mapped
drives via Net Use w/ UNC, and only connect to the drives when the
script is about to run - then disconnect the drive at the end of the
script. Once again - much thanks... I will post again if I have any
issue's. Thanks so much!!!!!