Here is some more info... After manually running the batch files, I
noticed that a portion of my problem is due to NTBackup needed user
input. I am using the same NTbackup version for all backups, but the
user input that is surpressed is saying something along the lines of
"The media was created by a differnt application - do you want to
continue: Yes No (buttons)" I am 100% sure that in the batch file i
have the switches to overwrite the existing media - any idea why this
would be prompting me?
Here are some results from the other proplem I originally posted (could
not duplicate on same system as before, could on another system)
Console: Not logged in, Logged in VIA TS session as Domain
Batch file: c:\weekend\test.bat
Task Name: test.job
Run: C:\Weekend\test.bat
Start In: C:\Weekend
Run As: domain\administrator (password entered when creating task)
Schedule: Wednesday, 7/26/05 - 1:51PM
Batch File:
@echo off
echo %date% %time% Start of task > c:\test.log
echo User=%UserName%, Path=%path% >> c:\test.log
net use E: \\wiggum\Backups 1>>c:\test.log 2>>&1
dir E:\ 1>>c:\test.log 2>>&1
C:\WINNT\system32\NTBACKUP.EXE backup "@C:\Documents and
Settings\administrator.VMGU\Local Settings\Application
Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\Citrix.bks" /n "Citrix" /d
"Citrix" /v:no /r:no /rs:no /hc
ff /m normal /j "Citrix" /l:s /f
"E:\citrix.bkf" 1>>c:\test.log 2>>&1
echo %date% %time% End of task >> c:\test.log
Wed 07/26/2006 13:51:00.19 Start of task
Files\Citrix\system32;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
System error 1202 has occurred.
An attempt was made to remember a device that had previously been
The system cannot find the path specified.
Wed 07/26/2006 13:51:02.50 End of task
Net Use at time of task:
Status Local Remote Network
OK E: \\wiggum.vmgu\Backups Microsoft Windows
OK N: \\vmgu12000\spdata Microsoft Windows
OK S: \\vmgu12000\spapps Microsoft Windows
The command completed successfully.
NTBackup Log:
Backup Status
The operation was not performed because the specified media cannot be
Task Sched Log:
"test.job" (test.bat)
Started 7/26/2006 1:51:00 PM
"test.job" (test.bat)
Finished 7/26/2006 1:51:02 PM
Result: The task completed with an exit code of (0).
Specified citrix.BKS file content:
C:\Documents and Settings\
C:\Program Files\
C:\System Volume Information\
-After all of this, I Re-entered the administrator password,
re-scheduled the tast for 3 minutes later... the NTbackup process
started, and just hung (probably waiting for user interaction)
-Killed NTbackup, Ended the scheduled task
-Ran test.bat manually (no scheduled task)
-Test log from manual run w/ no one logged in (keep in mind, I killed
the task, so it did finish - i assume it would just time out over 72
hours like in the scheduled task settings.
Wed 07/26/2006 14:09:19.16 Start of task
Files\Citrix\system32;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
System error 1202 has occurred.
An attempt was made to remember a device that had previously been
Volume in drive E is Backups
Volume Serial Number is 08F1-17C4
Directory of E:\
07/26/2006 02:02p <DIR> .
04/18/2006 04:20p <DIR> ..
06/12/2006 09:49p 6,004,287,488 WebServer_061206.bkf
07/23/2006 02:07a <DIR> Backup
07/22/2006 01:34a 1,884,270,592 vmgu12000.bkf
07/26/2006 02:09p 2,115,633,152 WebServer.bkf
07/23/2006 02:14a 258,199 BRUBack.log
07/23/2006 02:14a 33,238 WEEKLY_BACKUP.rep
07/22/2006 05:43a 7,439,729,664 vmguapps.bkf
07/23/2006 03:19a 2,284,510,208 outlook.bkf
07/26/2006 02:02p 1,311,744 citrix.bkf
07/20/2006 02:10p <DIR> Citrix Files
07/20/2006 02:10p <DIR> Outlook Files
8 File(s) 19,730,034,285 bytes
5 Dir(s) 38,957,744,128 bytes free
Wed 07/26/2006 14:09:35.61 End of task
Console: Logged in as administrator and TS session as administrator
(New TS session after admin login on console)
Batch file: c:\weekend\test.bat
Task Name: test.job
Run: C:\Weekend\test.bat
Start In: C:\Weekend
Run As: domain\administrator (password entered when creating task)
Schedule: Wednesday, 7/26/05 - 2:25PM - JOB RUNS SUCCESSFULLY
Batch File:
@echo off
echo %date% %time% Start of task > c:\test.log
echo User=%UserName%, Path=%path% >> c:\test.log
net use E: \\wiggum\Backups 1>>c:\test.log 2>>&1
dir E:\ 1>>c:\test.log 2>>&1
C:\WINNT\system32\NTBACKUP.EXE backup "@C:\Documents and
Settings\administrator.VMGU\Local Settings\Application
Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\Citrix.bks" /n "Citrix" /d
"Citrix" /v:no /r:no /rs:no /hc
ff /m normal /j "Citrix" /l:s /f
"E:\citrix.bkf" 1>>c:\test.log 2>>&1
echo %date% %time% End of task >> c:\test.log
Wed 07/26/2006 14:25:03.57 Start of task
Files\Citrix\system32;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
System error 1202 has occurred.
An attempt was made to remember a device that had previously been
Volume in drive E is Backups
Volume Serial Number is 08F1-17C4
Directory of E:\
07/26/2006 02:09p <DIR> .
04/18/2006 04:20p <DIR> ..
06/12/2006 09:49p 6,004,287,488 WebServer_061206.bkf
07/23/2006 02:07a <DIR> Backup
07/22/2006 01:34a 1,884,270,592 vmgu12000.bkf
07/26/2006 02:25p 2,963,277,824 WebServer.bkf
07/23/2006 02:14a 258,199 BRUBack.log
07/23/2006 02:14a 33,238 WEEKLY_BACKUP.rep
07/22/2006 05:43a 7,439,729,664 vmguapps.bkf
07/23/2006 03:19a 2,284,510,208 outlook.bkf
07/26/2006 02:09p 16,038,912 citrix.bkf
07/20/2006 02:10p <DIR> Citrix Files
07/20/2006 02:10p <DIR> Outlook Files
8 File(s) 20,592,406,125 bytes
5 Dir(s) 38,095,814,656 bytes free
Wed 07/26/2006 14:45:40.14 End of task
Net Use at time of task:
Status Local Remote Network
OK E: \\wiggum.vmgu\Backups Microsoft Windows
OK N: \\vmgu12000\spdata Microsoft Windows
OK S: \\vmgu12000\spapps Microsoft Windows
The command completed successfully.
NTBackup Log:
Backup Status
Operation: Backup
Active backup destination: File
Media name: "Citrix"
Backup of "C: "
Backup set #1 on media #1
Backup description: "Citrix"
Backup Type: Normal
Backup started on 7/26/2006 at 2:25 PM.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\administrator.VMGU\Local
Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat in use -
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\administrator.VMGU\Local
Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat.LOG in use -
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\catalogs51FD005312.FDD in use -
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\catalogs51SM005312.SM in use -
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\catalogs51\QTC_TEMP.000 in use -
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\catalogs51\QTC_TEMP.001 in use -
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\catalogs51\QTC_TEMP.002 in use -
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\chrono\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook\MS Exchange Settings.NICK in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\chrono\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook\outcmd.dat in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\chrono\Cookies\index.dat in
use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\chrono\Local
Settings\History\History.IE5\index.dat in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\chrono\Local
Settings\Temp\5\APR1BD.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\chrono\Local
Settings\Temp\5\APR1BE.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\chrono\Local
Settings\Temp\5\SOF1.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\chrono\Local
Settings\Temp\5\SOF2.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\chrono\Local
Settings\Temp\5\tmp146.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\chrono\Local
Settings\Temp\5\tmp174.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\chrono\Local
Settings\Temp\5\tmp175.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\chrono\Local
Settings\Temp\5\tmp176.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\chrono\Local
Settings\Temp\5\tmp178.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\chrono\Local
Settings\Temp\5\tmp17C.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\chrono\Local
Settings\Temp\5\tmp17D.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\chrono\Local
Settings\Temp\5\tmp189.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\chrono\Local
Settings\Temp\5\tmp1BF.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\chrono\Local
Settings\Temp\5\tmpE5.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\chrono\Local
Settings\Temp\5\~DF1F1B.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\chrono\Local
Settings\Temp\5\~DF1F27.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\chrono\Local
Settings\Temp\5\~DFC072.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\chrono\Local
Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat in use -
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\Ctx_SmaUser\Local
Data\ApplicationHistory\SmaService.exe.4f66e46a.ini.inuse in use -
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\dbuckley\.plugin141.trace in
use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and
Settings\dbuckley\com.coverall.renderer0.log in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and
Settings\dbuckley\com.coverall.renderer0.log.lck in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\dbuckley\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook\MS Exchange Settings.NICK in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\dbuckley\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook\outcmd.dat in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\dbuckley\Cookies\index.dat in
use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\dbuckley\Local
Settings\History\History.IE5\index.dat in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\dbuckley\Local
Settings\History\History.IE5\MSHist012006072620060727\index.dat in use
- skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\dbuckley\Local
Settings\Temp\2\SOF1.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\dbuckley\Local
Settings\Temp\2\SOF2.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\dbuckley\Local
Settings\Temp\2\~DF8B89.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\dbuckley\Local
Settings\Temp\2\~DF8B93.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\dbuckley\Local
Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat in use -
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\ewang\.plugin141.trace in use
- skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and
Settings\ewang\com.coverall.renderer0.log in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and
Settings\ewang\com.coverall.renderer0.log.lck in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\ewang\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook\MSIN2783.RHC in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\ewang\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook\outcmd.dat in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\ewang\Cookies\index.dat in
use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\ewang\Local
Settings\History\History.IE5\index.dat in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\ewang\Local
Settings\History\History.IE5\MSHist012006072620060727\index.dat in use
- skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\ewang\Local
Settings\Temp\c\APR70.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\ewang\Local
Settings\Temp\c\APR71.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\ewang\Local
Settings\Temp\c\SOF5.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\ewang\Local
Settings\Temp\c\SOF6.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\ewang\Local
Settings\Temp\c\~DF1C7.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\ewang\Local
Settings\Temp\c\~DFA78E.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\ewang\Local
Settings\Temp\c\~DFA798.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\ewang\Local
Settings\Temp\c\~DFDED9.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\ewang\Local
Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat in use -
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\.plugin141.trace in
use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and
Settings\jokeefe\com.coverall.renderer0.log in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and
Settings\jokeefe\com.coverall.renderer0.log.lck in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook\MS Exchange Settings.NICK in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook\outcmd.dat in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\Application
Data\Microsoft\Templates\ in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\Cookies\index.dat in
use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\Local
Settings\History\History.IE5\index.dat in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\Local
Settings\History\History.IE5\MSHist012006072620060727\index.dat in use
- skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\Local
Settings\Temp\15\APR200.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\Local
Settings\Temp\15\APR206.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\Local
Settings\Temp\15\APR207.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\Local
Settings\Temp\15\APR208.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\Local
Settings\Temp\15\SOF1.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\Local
Settings\Temp\15\SOF2.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\Local
Settings\Temp\15\~DFB797.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\Local
Settings\Temp\15\~DFF4CE.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\Local
Settings\Temp\15\~DFF4D8.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\Local
Settings\Temp\4\~DF3E97.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\Local
Settings\Temp\4\~DFC8CB.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\Local
Settings\Temp\4\~DFCD72.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\Local
Settings\Temp\4\~WRC0000.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\Local
Settings\Temp\4\~WRC0675.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\Local
Settings\Temp\4\~WRF0001.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\Local
Settings\Temp\4\~WRS0005.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\jokeefe\Local
Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat in use -
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\.plugin141.trace in
use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and
Settings\kdriscoll\com.coverall.renderer0.log in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and
Settings\kdriscoll\com.coverall.renderer0.log.lck in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook\MS Exchange Settings.NICK in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook\outcmd.dat in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Application
Data\Microsoft\Templates\ in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Cookies\index.dat
in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\History\History.IE5\index.dat in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\History\History.IE5\MSHist012006072620060727\index.dat in use
- skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\8\Acr43E.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\8\APR6F0.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\8\APR6F9.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\8\DA.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\8\SOF1.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\8\SOF2.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\8\~DF118E.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\8\~DF360E.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\8\~DF3618.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\8\~DF3656.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\8\~DF3F60.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\8\~DF4538.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\8\~DF8CC1.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\8\~DF8CCB.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\9\1.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\9\Acr18.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\9\Acr2D.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\9\~DF2BEA.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\9\~DF6E8D.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\9\~DF6F15.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\9\~DFB8F4.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\9\~DFECE8.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\9\~WRF0000.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temp\a\Acr1.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat in use -
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\kdriscoll\Local
Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK2\Request to Bind 21REVISED.xls in
use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mpittounicos\NTUSER.DAT in
use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mpittounicos\ntuser.dat.LOG
in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mpittounicos\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook\outcmd.dat in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and
Settings\mpittounicos\Cookies\index.dat in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mpittounicos\Local
Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat in use -
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mpittounicos\Local
Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat.LOG in use -
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mpittounicos\Local
Settings\History\History.IE5\index.dat in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mpittounicos\Local
Settings\Temp\14\~DFE092.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mpittounicos\Local
Settings\Temp\14\~DFE09F.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mpittounicos\Local
Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat in use -
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\.plugin141.trace in
use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and
Settings\mscanlon\com.coverall.renderer0.log in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and
Settings\mscanlon\com.coverall.renderer0.log.lck in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook\MS Exchange Settings.NICK in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook\outcmd.dat in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Cookies\index.dat in
use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Desktop\Cumulative
Time Tracker 7.24-7.30.xls in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\History\History.IE5\index.dat in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\History\History.IE5\MSHist012006072620060727\index.dat in use
- skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\3\APR5C6.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\3\APR5D9.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\3\SOF34.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\3\SOFB.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\3\~DF10A9.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\3\~DF5981.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\3\~DF598B.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\3\~DF89E9.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\3\~DF89F3.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\3\~DFDD0D.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\6\~DF8E2F.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temp\6\~DFA2A4.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\mscanlon\Local
Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat in use -
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\rdesharnais\Cookies\index.dat
in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\rdesharnais\Local
Settings\History\History.IE5\index.dat in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\rdesharnais\Local
Settings\History\History.IE5\MSHist012006072620060727\index.dat in use
- skipped.
Warning: The file \Documents and Settings\rdesharnais\Local
Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat in use -
Warning: The file \Program Files\Citrix\Independent Management
Architecture\imalhc.ldb in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Program Files\Citrix\Independent Management
Architecture\imalhc.mdb in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Program Files\Citrix\Independent Management
Architecture\mf20.ldb in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Program Files\Citrix\Independent Management
Architecture\mf20.mdb in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office\Startup\ in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office\XLStart\PDFMaker.xla in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \WINNT\system32\Perflib_Perfdata_49c.dat in use -
Warning: The file \WINNT\Temp\JETAA88.tmp in use - skipped.
Warning: The file \WINNT\Temp\JETAFA8.tmp in use - skipped.
Backup completed on 7/26/2006 at 2:44 PM.
Directories: 5065
Files: 31160
Skipped: 166
Bytes: 4,400,427,300
Time: 19 minutes and 6 seconds
Media name: "Citrix"
Backup of "System State"
Backup set #2 on media #1
Backup description: "Citrix"
Backup Type: Copy
Backup started on 7/26/2006 at 2:44 PM.
Backup completed on 7/26/2006 at 2:45 PM.
Directories: 123
Files: 1973
Bytes: 265,462,590
Time: 1 minute and 18 seconds
Scheduled task Log:
"test.job" (test.bat)
Started 7/26/2006 2:25:03 PM
"test.job" (test.bat)
Finished 7/26/2006 2:45:40 PM
Result: The task completed with an exit code of (0).
Specified citrix.BKS file content:
C:\Documents and Settings\
C:\Program Files\
C:\System Volume Information\
So the task above ran successfully after logging administrator onto the
Does windows have an issue w/ mapping a drive to an area if no one is
logged in?
Any help would be much appreciated - please let me know if you need any
more information!!!
-Pulling My hair out