NT Backup Using Too Many Tapes

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robert
  • Start date Start date


I have a DLT7000 tape drive changer and I am backing up
about 55gb of data total in three "sets". C Drive, D
Drive and System State. Here is the challenge. I am
using DLTIV tapes and their capacity is 70gb, however
after the first two sets, it ejects the tape, puts in a
new one and saves less than a 100mb to the new tape
(system state). ARGH!!!! How can I get it to put all the
data on one tape??? Change the order of the sets??

Thanks so much!

The 70GB capacity is with the (incorrect) assumption that you get a
compression factor of 2.0. Nominal capacity for your tapes is 35GB.

Your actual compression factor (55/35=1.57) is very high. Usually, I get a
factor around 1.2, mainly because many files already are compressed (jpg,
mpg, zip etc.) and won't compress any further.

Deleting files, excluding files, spanning tapes or upgrading backup system
are the solutions that comes to mind.

Best regards
